A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Ancestral Influences and Genetic Transmission

The Forebrain (Prosencephalon): The forebrain is the largest and most obvious part of a mammal's brain. The outer layer is called the cerebral cortex and consists of the cerebral hemispheres, which account for two-thirds of the brain's total mass.

"The baby does not learn trigonometry, but knows it; does not learn how to distinguish figure from ground, but knows it; does not need to learn, but knows, that when one object with mass hits another, it will move the object ... The vast human cerebral cortex is chock full of specialized systems ready, willing, and able to be used for specific tasks. Moreover, the brain is built under tight genetic control ... As soon as the brain is built, it starts to express what it knows, what it comes with from the factory. And the brain comes loaded. The number of special devices that are in place and active is staggering. Everything from perceptual phenomena to intuitive physics to social exchange rules comes with the brain. These things are not learned; they are innately structured. Each device solves a different problem ... the multitude of devices we have for doing what we do are factory installed; by the time we know about an action, the devices have already performed it.

Your ancestors may have been physically dead over 600 years ago, but their spiritual imprint is still there for a very long time, and it is in your DNA for you to activate. The original intention was for their knowledge to pass on so descendants can skip the reinventing fire process. However, due to duality, ancestral transmission also passes on junk and negative debris. You carry 12 layers of fear and phobia even though it is unsubstantiated; you will borrow them and operate as if it is your fear and phobia. If you bring the past to the present, you are borrowing from others their unfinished business..., that is KARMA. Good News carry Bad News... Bad News carry Good News.

Steven Pinker's 2003 book, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature, refutes the "blank slate" theories of human development. Brian Butterworth, in his 1999 book, What Counts: How Every Brain is Hardwired for Math, points out that babies have many specialized innate abilities, including numerical ones that he attributes to a "number module" encoded in the human genome from ancestors 30,000 years ago. Marshall Nivenberg, from the National Heart Institute, provided insight into the actual DNA/RNA mechanics of this innate knowledge in an article titled "Genetic Memory" published in 1968 in JAMA.

The animal kingdom provides ample examples of complex inherited capacities beyond physical characteristics. Monarch butterflies each year make a 2,500-mile journey from Canada to a small plot of land in Mexico where they winter. In spring, they begin the long journey back north, but it takes three generations to do so. And no butterfly making the return journey has flown that entire route before. How do they "know" a route they never learned? It must be an inherited GPS-like software, not a learned route.

There are just so many "things" we just know; our system just knows; it is a matter of how to trigger the information to come to the forefront or home in on the key to access this storage of vast knowledge of 4,096 individuals' experiences. The polarity work of such benevolence is the malevolent side to the many traumatic experiences of all 4,096 individuals; how do we start FRESH? When we copy from others [ancestry], we will only repeat for that is all we know... that is all we choose to know; without ever looking for ways to do things differently??

On the physical plane, we exist on a single plane, 1/2/3/4/5/6D (dimension); and on the emotional plane, we operate on 2 level dimensions..., such as @ 2D & 3D... on one level your feelings took place and filtered down to manifested matters in your being... so things have happened, and then there is happening. When your feelings turn to Emotions... this is when you are transcending your energy to a different level. Positive energy ascends dimensional levels, and Negative energy descends. Your birth has happened but carries residues and is still happening [mitosis]... birth and death of cells.., and your death also has happened but still is ongoing and happening.

IF we will only borrow from the past to bring to the present... and projecting the present which is the past to the future..., so there is no future, only always the past.

When we anchor in one fixed point [past], we will only go around in circles. Just like a boat anchored in the water will only go around and around in circles. This cyclical pattern does not promote growth as there is an absence of forward movement and you will NOT go anywhere new. That is why the saying "History Repeats Itself"... no.... We Repeat Itself... Everything!!!

Each Optic Fiber Cable represents your Spiritual Bundle

Each color bundle denotes specific lesson themes. Pink is different dimensional Love; Blue is variations of Integrity, Dark Green is basic survival; lime green is healing; Turquoise is service to others; etc. And within each color bundle is your source code; such as the pink bundle withihn the turquoise color bundle; and each color source code within the lesson theme bundle carries your many life times of variations of this lesson themes.

Technically each transparent optic fiber strand should be you; however...over time and many trial and tribulations later... the clear optic fiber is tinted with others... your ancestral hitch hikers.

Tags: reincarnation, ancestral genetic transmission