A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Are there Dark Guides?

Yes. One would unknowingly requests a dark guide by service to self (STS) prayers and making deals and trades.

There is a dark hierarchy and the path of service to self - there can be Dark Guides - powerful STS entities incarnated as humans who attract and groom younger STS souls and train them as black magician's apprentices.

Therefore, the Dark Afterlife and STS humans do not surface for much acknowledgement, they are quite secretive about their inner world as their motivation is not ethical, and they are sociopaths and narcissists.

Dark entities reincarnate without going into the Spirit World. They just die and reincarnate immediately without any healing or learning as they cannot face or afford any cleansing and purification. However, there is also a possibility of some sort of Dark Afterlife Realm with its own hierarchy and training, not exactly a Christian Hell with punishment and torture, but a training ground for STS beings - or they might go to STS planets between human lives.

There exist extra terrestrial worlds occasionally fighting battles in lower dimensions or visiting as diplomats or missionaries who travel to lower realms in hopes to convert some STS. These realms are highly authoritarian regimes, usually monarchies, with slavery, mind control, exploitation of both native and occupied populations, advanced technology, and space travel. They travel around the Universe destroying or occupying planets. In "RA Material" they are called Crusaders and are attributed to a militant Reptilian civilization in the Orion Belt.

Nordics and the Reptilian Elite are dark agents. The basis of the "Reptilian Elite" theory is that in ancient times a group of advanced reptiles from the Alpha Draconis star system came to Earth, infiltrated the governments of the ancient civilizations in order to control all the humans, enslave them, became their rulers and bred with other humans to form crossbreeds so that their DNA can infiltrate the minds of humans. They also have the ability to shapeshift, helping them fit into our world. With their DNA inside our systems they can control us by making us dumber, slower, weaker and therefore easier to control. Evidence for this reptilian DNA in us comes from the fact that in the early stages, developing embryos look a lot like reptiles and could be classified as such. Furthermore, the oldest parts of our brain which control the most primal functions and instincts is called the "reptilian brain" because it is made of the structures that the reptilian brain consists of which are the brainstem and cerebellum.

Another piece of evidence for this theory comes from the fact that many religions in ancient civilizations depict some sort of reptilian god or goddess.

Despite many conspiracy theories, one that is worthy to give weight to is their capacity to mind control their victim to a psychosis level, displaying many psychological problems. This theory is probably one of the most extreme and far out conspiracy theories that exist, and this can be explained by some cognitive contributions such as cognitive dissonance and many mental disorders. They first induce an extreme sense of paranoia about the world and that the government and everyone is out to get them, then the victim would seek salvation, the kind that only the Elite can offer; in exchange for the harvesting of one's soul in the afterlife, and then they prematurely rush you to your end of life. This path is not the natural path of afterlife, it is the alternative afterlife path of darkness.

Tags: darkness, dark guides, service to self, reptilian, Orion, control, narcissism, sociopath