Are There Spiritual Guides For Those That Commit Suicide?
Before any life form is incarnated there is a planning stage with spiritual guides and masters. At least one will be assigned before each incarnation.
Suppose the planned life span is 80 years and one opted to end their life by suicide at 40 years of age. The assigned spiritual guide will not be at the death scene to escort the departing soul. The departing soul will very much likely be lost and wander about, and either become earth bound or float to M27 bandwidth and wait there for the remaining equivalent of 40 earth years or more. The soul goes into a dormant state and waits out the remaining time until the assigned spiritual guide comes to rescue and escort the soul to its appropriate place in the Light for healing. There is a downside to this waiting process as the waiting band area is not protected by benevolence. Dark task forces will have a chance to recruit lost souls and the likelihood of the lost soul being capable to differentiate malevolence from benevolence is slim.
Tags: life, death, afterlife, suicide, spiritual guides, dark task force