A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after


  • Life is designed to challenge us into our potential greatness.

  • Only in self-mastery do we graduate to higher planes and better conditions.

  • You can't run away from your demons. They are yours until you face them and become their master.

  • Life will grate on us until we shift and become accepting of and grateful for the lesson at hand being taught to us by life. As we maturely grow this way, we begin to enter into our great potential and greatness of being.

  • The more that you do, while also seeking to improve, helps you become more confident and competent. These are the gifts from experience, maturity, and intelligence to you.

  • Disappointments are inevitable. But their level of pain, destruction to you and duration are often more up to you.

  • Every problem that you find yourself in is on purpose from life - for you to experience and/or grow from. Your job is to keep working to transform them until they are straightened out.

  • Grow through it, or go through it - again and again!

  • Why are there problems? - to be resolved! Why do you have problems? - to solve them!

  • Hell eventually happens when one neither listens to nor responds to truth.

  • Is hell eternal? No, hellish conditions only last as long as they are necessary for growth and purification of a soul.

  • If you are in a miserable hellacious situation, you need to be asking yourself: What do I need to do - how do I need to change myself to constructively dislodge whatever part of me has attracted this into my life?

  • Pick your fights! Some fights just aren't right to fight. Some are. Some fights aren't productive enough to be worth fighting. Some really are. Some fights just aren't worth it - too much loss for too little gain.

  • Don't just take the easy way out. Take the right and best way through. Rather than extra problems and challenges this solves and rightly moves.

  • The less of your challenges that you meet, the more your character self-worth will deplete.

  • Your higher destiny is found on the other side of meeting great challenges.

  • God mandates that we (his creation) will evolve. If we don't choose to evolve by wisdom, then it will be by the force of adverse conditions.

  • Every situation and experience can be used to grow from - no mater how bad, unfair, dysfunctional, unexpected or miserable it seems.

  • Ignorance, ignoring the truth, is a sure set-up for up-set.

  • Everything in your life is good for you - even the "bad". The "bad is often placed in your life to shake up, wake up, and promote you to make a needed shift.

  • Lessons of the hurricane: Like the mighty forces generated by a hurricane, which always still has a calm center, no matter how chaotic life is or seems to be, we always have a calm, clear, safe center within us too. It's true! The more balanced and enlightened we are, the less we leave, nor can be tricked nor pried away from the haven of our own built-in god center of well-being, accurate perspective and inspiration.

  • Avoiding problems you should face is avoiding the life you should live

  • Every challenge and problem has a valuable silver lining included with it for whomever will persist to learn it and obtain it.

  • Temptations are traps set to support your lowering of yourself - Are you going to stand for that

  • The higher up you go, the more difficult will be your testing and challenges. Of course! Would you want it any other way - but to qualify for your advancements and get what you earn in fairness - being of that actual merit?

  • Complete freedom isn't that you can do anything that you want to, anytime you want to do it. True freedom comes to you as you do wise and right over: convenience; temptation; ignorance; weakness; willfulness; or opposition; etc, and this becomes your very way of life.

  • Loyalty is a wonderful character trait in that it is faithfully supportive: a real team player! However, what one is loyal to is just as important. Loyalty to good, productive, or helpful versus loyalty to negative, destructive, or ignorant determines the value or folly of your loyalty. Loyalty to right action is a great thing - supporting many happy returns.

  • Each of us has his/her very own destiny. This is what we're meant to find and accomplish each lifetime. There is something that stays restless and unsettled in us until we find each piece of it.

  • We co-create our future. Part of our destiny is determined by what we commit to. You can commit to a higher path and right action or be stuck with what's left. So it's a no-brainer - take the initiative and commit to advance and upgrade, or be at the effect of this insane world and be committed to its' twists and turns of fate and struggle - like being committed to an insane asylum.

  • How to succeed with your life: never stop seeking or pushing forward, no matter how it appears, whether you have gains or setbacks. Pursue with wisdom and in rightness.

  • Easy isn't necessarily best. Best isn't necessarily easy. Just as easily the opposite can be true.

  • Your dedication and resolve can help you stand against temptation longer. However, a tempting or stressful environment wares on you every second, which deteriorates your potential. Why not do what you can to keep your perspective, keep yourself balanced, and keep the best influence and environment around yourself.

  • The true believer chooses and believes that fundamentally, come what may, every day is a good day. Some days are just better! No matter what its like, he makes the best of it. And thus he gets the best from it.

  • For the fullest development of your mind and your emotions and your body and your spirit - each need to be both taken care-of and challenged.

  • Sometimes the only way you can get the fruit (goal or reward) in life is to "risk" going out on the limb, even to the skinny branches where the fruit is found.

  • Success occurs when one keeps growing through failures and experiences until he or she succeeds.

  • A great value that the dark side (both inside and outside of us) provides us is the profound challenge it is for our light side. Be thankful for this worthy opposition and challenge while you manage it, overcome it and transform yourself.

  • Face your fears down (which you can always find a way to do) or uncomfortably continue to live in the shadow of their limitations and threats.

  • In the game of life, it's not so much that you win or loose - or even that you appear to win or lose. It's more how you play the game and how you play you (yourself). Do what you can to upgrade you, your reactions, your character, and your performance. This makes you a winner.

  • You create your own heartbreaks and anxiety as your ridiculously warped sense of betrayal of your implicit expectations.

  • Unmanaged hatred and ill will does way more damage than sincere war for peace and goodwill. Unmanaged hatred is at the root of the problem and can create the need for war, while fighting for the righteous good for all is sometimes necessary to extinguish the run of hatred and ill will. At any rate, your underlying emotions and attitude are what you're doing today that is definitely creating tomorrow. Your motive is crucial. For it carries the level of purity and constructive goodness of your intentions. And this is what you are judged by, your karma is determined by and your world becomes.

  • People don't always tell you how they are but their body language will

  • Once you begin to dislike someone or you have negative feelings about them, everything they do will annoy you

Tags: challenges, life, hardship, hatred