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Change is difficult - how you hold yourself back

Change is difficult for most people and is so very painful. Left to our own devices, most of us would rather carry on as we are. But if you're holding yourself back from your potential, or if you feel stuck where you are, life is telling you it's time to make a change. Often it's the most brightest, talented people who need this message the most. Ego can be our adversary when it comes to changes if you belief that changing is a threat. Change is important, for it supports life!!!

Here are ways you may be holding yourself back, with solutions for the first steps to take in getting unstuck:

  1. You never have enough. If you look at what you have with a sense of longing for more, nothing will ever be enough. But if you look at what you have with a sense of gratitude, you will always feel you have more than you need.

  2. You experience limitations. Limitations exist only in your mind. If you use your imagination and exercise your determination, the possibilities become limitless.

  3. You lack confidence. We all have a voice of self-doubt, and if you listen to it you will always lack confidence. To gain in confidence, tune out that inner voice and find a new skill to master.

  4. You feel you've lost control. Passivity is a terrible enemy. If you aren't running your life, life can run you over. Start today to take active charge in one area and expand it from there.

  5. You ignore problems. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. Instead of putting your energy into dealing with the fallout from your problems, use it to face what's in front of you and work toward finding real solutions.

  6. You stop making plans. An idea without a plan is just a dream. Find enough faith in yourself to start setting goals and working toward setting those ideas into motion.

  7. You don't take action. Knowing what to do isn't enough. To get unstuck, you have to take action. Set small, manageable goals every day and start building on those baby steps.

  8. You don't believe in yourself. The worst form of undermining is the kind you do to yourself. Tune it out and start givin. ourself ositive messa es—and surround yourself with others who believe in you.

  9. You have negative thoughts. It's hard, maybe even impossible, to get positive results from negative thinking, which makes negativity incredibly damaging. When you catch your thoughts turning toward negativity, stop yourself at that moment and spend some time counteracting the negative. Find the silver lining in every single situation... good or not so good.

  10. You keep doing what you've always done. If you're not getting good results but don't change the way you do things, it's going to be more of the same. Find the weakest point in your processes and start making changes there.

  11. You stop trying. Running out the clock is a terrible approach. You are actually wasting all your resources from the Blue Print Planning stage. Wherever you are, whatever has gone wrong, whatever your ideas are, stop forsaking the Self. No one abandoned you, you did. You stopped trying because you felt no one cares, it is only important that you care. Remind yourself daily that you deserve your best chance at bringing your plans to fruition, and start with small goals and start to really care.

  12. You blame a lack of resources. Even if you don't have everything you need, teach yourself to do what you can with what you have instead of spinning your wheels and focus on what you don't have. You'll be surprised at how much you're able to accomplish.

  13. You don't take responsibility. When you don't hold yourself accountable, you are basically saying you cannot count on yourself. Remind yourself daily that you're responsible for everything that takes place, your circumstances are your lesson platforms, and make sure that principle is reflected in your words, deeds and actions.

  14. You're not present. It's been said that 80 percent of success is showing up. Commit to be where you're needed in body, mind and spirit. Chances are you fragment frequently, float out of your body to escape and let something else enter to take over. You give away your sovereignty easily and expect someone else to change for you.

  15. You fear failure. Don't let yourself be paralyzed by fear. Remember that if you give it your best shot and fail, you'll have learned something valuable that prepares you for whatever will come next. If you let fear persuade you to not even try, you'll be left with nothing but regret.

  16. You're your own worst enemy. You wouldn't (or shouldn't) allow a friend or family member to belittle your achievements or abilities—-so don't accept it from yourself. You beat yourself up from the get go, to find ways and excuses to not change, because you are afraid to fail, not trying, in itself is failure.

  17. You lack courage. Too often we think of courage as the absence of fear. Courageous people experience just like the rest of us—but they overcome it because their commitment is bigger; their determination to see change to the end is greater.

  18. You're waiting for a starting bell. You don't need anyone's permission, and a perfect time will never come. Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can to get moving. Drop the "Ready Set and Never Go!!!" mantra.

  19. You compare yourself to others. Unless you know their heart and mind and circumstances as well as your own—-which you can't—-it's a waste of time. " and so is a rags to riches!!" Cut that OUT!!! Compare yourself to where you started to get a sense of how far you've come, or to where you're headed to check your direction. Leave others out of it.

  20. You are afraid to lose someone. If by changing for the better and you lose your friends, they were your false friend to begin with, so lose them. If family are against you changing then they too are holding you back to appease their own comfort zone, time to leave the cave and loved ones are against you out growing them...

  21. You fear the unknown. Old stuck ways are like old shoes, comfortable and predictable. However, they no longer serve you, they only take you on the same old paths with the same old non productive outcome. It is time to change to new shoes, they may be uncomfortable at first and you will take time to get use to them, but it most definitely will take you onto a new path.

  22. Change is a universal phenomenon. Every particle, every atom and everything in the universe are constantly changing and moving. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; but must change forms and movements and that is what keeps everything alive. Dormancy is death.

  23. To be Sentient Being is to be alive and feel. You lined up and waited a long time for this opportunity to have a body physical to feel and to BE. Being requires action, the actions are constant changes to adapt to new environments and circumstances; to learn and grow, no change no growth and if you are not growing, then you are dying.

Tags: change