Do animals reincarnate?
Yes, your pet dog/cat can reincarnate as well as choose to walk-in. This is because they do not have veils, veil of amnesia or go through river of forget, or drink forget-it potions in between lives as they do not have ego to deal with. Walk-in would be to trade places with another animal when one wants out. And your pet will recognize you the owner from his/her previous life or better yet will find the previous owner and continue the lesson platforms.
Animals serves many purposes, they are part of the energetic grid of Earth, nature's balancer and food chain.
I hugely disagree with the following chart... human supposedly is from 3rd density, and consumes 2nd density vibrational food stuff. How can that sustain humans? How can it provide fuel for growth and maintenance if the energetic association of the nutrients is that of much lower vibration?
Furthermore, how can the mineral kingdom provide trace minerals for the vital functioning of the body, such as potassium, iron, zinc, copper and more? Rocks and crystals are supposedly from the 1st density, so why do shamans and many cultures use rock and gems to enhance human's energy fields?
Animals and the mineral kingdom are service providers, "Service to Others" group, I believe they are from 4th density as they do not ask for energy return and do not keep track of who owes them or where to get revenge when they chose to be part of the food chain, I've witnessed rocks and crystals de-materialize and re-materialize elsewhere, shape-shifting that is.
The plant kingdom, are all healing agents, allopathic "medicines" are derived from plants; and certainly, all alternative, naturopathic medicine and Tradition Chinese Medicine are all plant based. Medicinal botany, plant's parts used for healing purposes has been around before humans.
The bark of the birch tree (which was a tea that became aspirin) was involved in sending a message to the hypothalamus that directed the endocrine system to release water to cells. Byosmosis, the water being released reduced inflammation, cured "headaches" and helped with other bruises; now it has been used as a blood thiner. Water is hugely important to healing and fat is even more important to cell production. Quinine (sulphate) derived from cinchona bark is used as cure for Malaria. Recently I'd asked for the outlook of current Covid, effects to be the duration of 5 years and the antidote is in a tree bark... Elderberry bark. Zinc will stop the spread of the virus, but that means you had already invited the virus into your body. Fermented Elderberry is a recommended source to boost your autoimmune, the fermentation works with your gut health and the elderberry is a power house of antibiotics, antivirals and anti-inflammatory and more "anti's".
Insects are bottom of 2D. According to "scientists" insect colonies are hive-minds, all members are telepathically connected with each other and acting as one organism; they are Collective consciousness and that is 4th Dimension and 5th Dimension.
Recently due to pandemic Covid, the WHO (World Health Organization), says that everyone should be vaccinated with the "scientist engineered" Covid virus, to prevent infection and minimize impact and possibly deferred death, if everyone would join in, then "Herd-Mind" can be achieved. Herd-mind is the equivalent of sheeple mind-control.
The lowest frequency of consciousness is Shame, not rocks, not insects and not soil.