A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Dying Peacefully or NOT

What happens to the Soul if you didn't have a chance to die peacefully? You did not get to die slowly of old age... you died suddenly... unexpected... homicide... accident... ???

When the human vessel is destroyed by a happening or by aging and the body can't fulfill the tasks at hand to sustain life and the body and brain passes away. The Soul, the subtle body, your consciousness of your awareness will pass over... and split with ether to return to the spirit form, may be immediately or gradually over time.

Suppose a person was in some form of injury and the body and brain died. The Soul, nanoseconds before will eject out of the body and never be around to feel the dying sensations. At that moment the Soul will immediately STOP projecting consciousness into your body. And the Soul will observe your physical body and what is happening to your physical expression of energy. As awareness you will float next to your body or look at it from above. Yes... lost and dumbfounded to say the least.

When the death is very sudden and unexpected the soul will be in chaos hovering in the vicinity for some time bewildered by the dramatic new situation it finds itself in and trying to re-inhabit the body it has just left. This is especially so if the body has been blown to pieces by an explosion, and the soul can't see it anywhere; it will be in a state of shock and at this moment of passing over, you cannot reason, and you do not remember who you are as the conscious awareness is completely gone. You just observe everything that is happening to your physical body. Because how you died, is an valued experience and as Souls you will want to gather all information you can, and you will and you do. This is the main reason why as a spirit at the life planning stage you would schedule such drama and trauma.

Our observer is not in our brain and not in our body, the observer is now our subconscious part of our Soul as subconscious awareness. On the moment of passing over, you just observe.

Death by falling, fire, gunshot, impact, asphyxiation, strangulation, hanging; shock will jolt the Soul out of the body and the Soul will always leave before death occurs and will return to the scene to observe as there were NO opportunity for the winding down process; the progressive cessation of activity of the five bio-dynamic forces (prana) to Jake place. These types of death require afterlife cleansing and purification more so than natural deaths where there were sufficient time to bring the body physical to a natural termination.

Depending on your exit frequency, one path might be to stay and observe your family ties... filial protocols... then suddenly you will be pulled to another location, a location of a funeral, cremation or even a ceremony, or perhaps a celebration of life that you no longer have but is in your honor... by the thoughts of the loved ones who are still on earth trying their hardest to do what is best for themselves; for their peace of mind.

You will observe everything that is happening at the funeral, cremation, or ceremony, you can hear thoughts, see people who are saying goodbyes to you of your previous life. You might still believe you are hearing and seeing but truth be told, you are being impressed with the information. Again, to gather all information about this life, you observe automatically, what happens to you frame by frame.

However long it takes for a passed over Soul to use the subconscious awareness of die Soul is different for all Souls. It all depends on how ready you are for this exit or not.

Our human life happens in the apparently material dimension, everything looks real, still it is an expression of energy that we are dreaming. Because of the cause and effect in repetitive cycles we experience life as a constant, that means we see life as a reality, however it becomes an important dream once we leave the material dimension. That gives us the opportunity to experience a seemingly material life.

When we pass over we will transition into the In-between dimension, Afterlife. This is the immaterial pure positive dimension. The passed over Soul is always present in this in-between dimension and can't be part of the apparently material dimension. That is why the Soul projects consciousness into the human vessel, to experience as an operator in a denser form call life; to become a part in this dream and play a part. Being in a human vessel allows us to use our sensory to feel.

Our senses are like a filter over our awareness, and works on a low energetic frequency, this means, that we can't use this in the In-between dimension. Because our senses just like the apparently material dimension happens all on a lower energetic _frequency. To make things simple for our Soul and we can see, hear, taste, smell and feel and that creates the so-called reality.

When the Soul's attention is in the in-between dimension as we passed over, we first only observe as told above. After this we start to reason and to remember with our conscious part of our Soul on a high energetic frequency, this takes a while. But this "while" is only measured and felt in the physical realm and not noticed in the in- between dimension. That is the reason that after you passed over there is no panic.

You feel an incredible love surrounding you, because you feel the connection you have with Oneness (Godself), all energetic awareness have an individuality AND at the same time they are all connected to each other. So in the in-between dimension, you are impressed with this incredible love around you and you feel very comfortable. This is also depending on how large your ego perspective has grown in life.

You start to learn how to remember your previous life (last life), encoding your memories into your subconscious, that part of your Soul. You start to reason again, and slowly you become the same perspective and personality; you were as you lived your human life. You are literally the same person as you were in life, only you don't have a physical body anymore, but an esoteric body. A body of energetic light, because everything is created from energy.

You will notice that when you think about a loved one on earth, you will be there too. And you can observe this loved one doing his or her things on earth. Or when a loved one speaks to you in thoughts, you will hear them and be there to communicate. Only the loved ones on earth, rarely understand, sense or hear you. When someone on earth a loved one thinks of you, you think of this person and visa versa; as this is a direct line of communication due to no time delimitation. That is how we as Souls are connected.

When you think about a place you visited in the past when you were alive, you can visit it again, to see it again and float around in the streets, beach or whatever you like to visit again.

When a loved one is thinking about you with thoughts, you can hear the thoughts too. Because we don't have the flat simple senses, you had on earth.

After a while you will feel an urge to move on and to go back home, to your place in the Light. Because the love is drawing you home. This happens also depending on how large your ego perspective has developed. Can you let go of the loved ones, can you let go of your possessions on earth, can you let go of your fame and all that glam, can you let go of those who have trespassed against you; can you let go of the ego perspective you have taught yourself and was taught by others.

Also the mourning and grieving ones on earth have to let you as passed over Soul go too. When they hold tide to your being, your Soul will stay longer connected to earth because of the loved ones' tether of sorrow. That is why it is very crucial and beyond necessary to let the passed over Soul go so they can be freed. Some people have a giant struggle with letting go of the passed over loved one; falsely believing that is love and pull them constantly back to earth. This is detrimental to the transition process of the passed over Soul.

The next phase is called the path to enlightenment.

When people really get enlightened in life and die, they will immediately merge with their Higher Self; the immaterial pure positive dimension. To be enlightened means that you bring your conscious part of your Soul, your awareness that which are all your thoughts, memories, and formulation of thoughts onto a pure positive level of dimension, your HOME.

Thoughts are energy patterns moving in space. When you formulate positive thoughts, you create your awareness to vibrate energetically on a high frequency. When you formulate negative thoughts, you create your awareness to vibrate energetically on a low frequency.

In a human life most people create more negative thoughts than positive thoughts, this will cause a split Soul. Between your awareness and your Higher Self. Your awareness vibrating energetic on a much lower frequency than your Higher Self. The Higher Self is your angelic pure positive awareness. The voice of the Higher Self can be heard by your intuition and conscience.

Before you were born, your Soul split into a conscious and a subconscious part. The conscious part is your awareness, your formulation of thoughts, memories, and everything we learn into our memory. Not in our brain, because the brain is an expression of energy, to give form to our thoughts.

At birth, the awareness is cleared from memory of previous lives, and in total cleared from your Souls life. So you can start living this experience fresh and clean. In some cases, young children can remember past lives, because they have still a clear connection with the Higher Self.

Balance in yourself, is to bring the thoughts of your awareness on the same level as the Higher Self's awareness. This balance in thoughts of your awareness and the higher Self is also called enlightenment To create One Soul again. When your awareness formulates positive thoughts the same as your Higher Self does, than your awareness vibrates energetically on the same high frequency.

The enlightened persons after death, will pass over and merge with the Higher Self and they are home. This is the quickest way to go back HOME.

Tags: death, soul, afterlife