A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Growing Old

How Not to Grow Old

  • Botox
  • Face Lifts
  • Plastic Surgeries
  • Anti-Aging Serums
  • Trade Shoes
  • Trade Bodies
  • Making a deal with Dark Forces
  • Being possessed by someone to escape Time
  • Trade Souls
  • Beg Time to Stand Still

How to Grow Old: With Grace and Dignity, of course!

  1. Live a good life. What is a good life? It's happiness. Contentment. Insightful Confidence. Vigor. Vitality. Responsibility. Awareness. Resilience. Optimism. Belief.
  2. A Healthy Self is "Heal Thy Self." One cannot live with any of the above unless one has Health; this must be the Apex of Living Well.
  3. One must live Well to Die Well, with simple elegance and refinement of Truth.
  4. Accept the maladies our bodies experience and create pragmatic solutions for the necessary health care and assistance required so that we can build a foundation to support our efforts to construct a happy and healthy life highlighted by a gentle, confident grace and self-affirming sense of dignity.
  5. Becoming older will inevitably come with various issues; such as being calmer, more patient, experienced, and wiser; remember to do this with a radiant grace and venerable dignity.
  6. Declutter and rid yourself of pessimism and negativism; way too heavy to carry around; travel light with Light.
  7. Learn to let people and things go throughout your life, not just before dying.
  8. Reprioritize; as one winds down in the finite commodity of remaining time on this plane of existence, do spend it wiser.
  9. What used to matter no longer matters; what used to be inconsequential then should be consequential now.
  10. Own your state of being instead of letting your reactive state own you; that is the only way to overcome your physical limitations and emotional setbacks.
  11. Keep up with Learning; anything and everything so you will not become outdated and fossilized.
  12. It is lethal to compete with your younger self.
  13. Take your vitamins and supplements.
  14. Pace yourself, stop burning at both ends.
  15. Never chop off your limbs to be aerodynamic in order to move faster like a youngster.
  16. Move with the Time and make it smooth and Graceful.
  17. Throughout life, we make many choices; Choose Thy Love and Love Thy Choice and Honor and Respect the Self, that is Dignity.
  18. It is a tremendous blessing to Grow Old; that means you've been gifted a long journey to Live your Life Well and to choose and exercise your Free Will to Die Well; Passing to your Afterlife.
  19. Accept the Gift of Life and Venerate the Gift of Death.


Tags: emotional and mental health, happiness, free will