Growing Old
How Not to Grow Old
- Botox
- Face Lifts
- Plastic Surgeries
- Anti-Aging Serums
- Trade Shoes
- Trade Bodies
- Making a deal with Dark Forces
- Being possessed by someone to escape Time
- Trade Souls
- Beg Time to Stand Still
How to Grow Old: With Grace and Dignity, of course!
- Live a good life. What is a good life? It's happiness. Contentment. Insightful Confidence. Vigor. Vitality. Responsibility. Awareness. Resilience. Optimism. Belief.
- A Healthy Self is "Heal Thy Self." One cannot live with any of the above unless one has Health; this must be the Apex of Living Well.
- One must live Well to Die Well, with simple elegance and refinement of Truth.
- Accept the maladies our bodies experience and create pragmatic solutions for the necessary health care and assistance required so that we can build a foundation to support our efforts to construct a happy and healthy life highlighted by a gentle, confident grace and self-affirming sense of dignity.
- Becoming older will inevitably come with various issues; such as being calmer, more patient, experienced, and wiser; remember to do this with a radiant grace and venerable dignity.
- Declutter and rid yourself of pessimism and negativism; way too heavy to carry around; travel light with Light.
- Learn to let people and things go throughout your life, not just before dying.
- Reprioritize; as one winds down in the finite commodity of remaining time on this plane of existence, do spend it wiser.
- What used to matter no longer matters; what used to be inconsequential then should be consequential now.
- Own your state of being instead of letting your reactive state own you; that is the only way to overcome your physical limitations and emotional setbacks.
- Keep up with Learning; anything and everything so you will not become outdated and fossilized.
- It is lethal to compete with your younger self.
- Take your vitamins and supplements.
- Pace yourself, stop burning at both ends.
- Never chop off your limbs to be aerodynamic in order to move faster like a youngster.
- Move with the Time and make it smooth and Graceful.
- Throughout life, we make many choices; Choose Thy Love and Love Thy Choice and Honor and Respect the Self, that is Dignity.
- It is a tremendous blessing to Grow Old; that means you've been gifted a long journey to Live your Life Well and to choose and exercise your Free Will to Die Well; Passing to your Afterlife.
- Accept the Gift of Life and Venerate the Gift of Death.