Instant Death
Most death occurs during night while the time span between 3am to 4am is the most vulnerable. According to research most hospital deaths occur between 3am to 4am.
What is Instant Death?
When the organism's oxygen and blood flow is interrupted to the point of no return causing the heart to lose function and brain to experience oxygen deprivation then the brain stop functioning, this is instant cessation of the once living organism, instant death.
Instant death is shockingly FAST. Your consciousness is thrust instantaneously into your spirit body. This can cause great confusion and/or distress as the consciousness/being may not know what happened and may not even know initially that they are dead. And the soul that was just ejected out of the body is now lost and bewildered.
Because each person's belief system vary... people who DON'T believe in life after death often have no intellectual means to interpret the fact that they are still ALIVE/CONSCIOUS... but no longer in their physical body. And once this process took place, the soul is out of time/space limitations and would be very much disorientated especially if they have no prior knowledge of physical death. Plus, people go to different realms upon death... depending on the love condition of their soul.
In summary, death experience varies greatly from person to person... however, instant physical death is always... instant.
It would be wise beyond our years to fully understand and be well read on the many aspects of the incredible experience death brings.