A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Is There Such A Thing As Life Review After We Die?

Higher Self and Spirit Guides

Some spirits go to see the Council of Elders--the teaching Council of advanced spirits, it does not happen after each life--only when we finish a lesson and chose the next one, or if the soul changes energy levels, or the soul needs to change or add Guides, or has difficulty learning a specific lesson beyond the ability of the Guides to be helpful. Sometimes the spirit outgrew the guides and new guides will need to be assigned.

I believe the Council also evaluates the interaction between the Guide and the reincarnating soul, as it is tricky, communication between dimensions is difficult, and Guides are also learning their craft of "being a Guide". There are "Guides in training" and incarnate with their students, so in addition to personal lessons, they also have "Masters of Teaching" helping them to help other souls, and the same for any other "soul-specialization" like Healing, Art, Science, Leadership, Communication, Peacemaking, Protection, etc--there would be both personal and professional Guides present at the life review for advanced souls, who reincarnate on missions--and not only for personal learning. Interaction with Soulmates would be discussed in Soul Group meetings, or in personal sessions between Karmic Partners trying to solve their differences and karmic debts. If a soul suffered mental illness or severe emotional disorders or committed suicide, they will go into a long healing process and work with Spirit Counselors, specializing in mental health, and not only personal Guides.

Your council of Twelve are a group of souls comprised of Ascended Masters, Star Beings, Angels, Goddesses and the Elemental Realm, who have come into your inner spiritual circle.

They are guides who have wisdom and knowledge to support you through this next phase of your journey and whom you are working with in your dream time.

They support your soul in lessons, teachings of higher wisdom your soul is ready to learn as well as aiding you in the execution of your life path while on Earth.

Ultimately their role is to guide, support and nurture you through this Earth walk experience to make it more fulfilling, smoother and happier.

Your Council of Twelve is fluid, new members will come in once you have completed certain soul tasks.

"I am Archangel Michael, I have come forward on behalf of the Angelic Realm to explain to you about your Council of Twelve. Your Council of Twelve are made up of light beings who are presently assigned to your light frequency to support you through certain stages of your soul's journey."

Why 12?

Twelve is the significant number of the universe which numerologically involves completion. The aim of these 12 guides always being with you to complete your Earth mission.

There are 12 aspects of yourself within your oversoul group, and 12 other oversoul groups who make up the whole of the monadic existence of who you are.

The universe functions on this 12 patterning and within your spiritual team of guides, this formation also exists, but in this course we will be focusing on your 12 main guides.

Your Council of Twelve are made up of many light beings who are presently assigned to your light frequency to support you through certain stages of your soul's journey.

Most of this work is done during dream time and we wish to help you remember more fully when you awaken, knowledge you have gained, healing you have received, and also that there is a support team for you to call upon during your Earthly walk.

Know that as the Earth has increased her frequency with the release of the New Earth Templates, her vibratory rate means that you are vibrating higher just to exist within her sphere.

This means your sixth sense now has the opportunity to open and awaken more fully, to make communication easier between the realms.

It also is allowing you to be guided on this next stage of your Ascension Path.

A fuller, greater communication with your spiritual team will come if you are able to create an altar space dedicated to them.

This helps you stay focused, and remember the Deities that are part of your journey.

We are very excited to have clearer communication with you all, to make it easier for you as souls to grow, to love and to really enhance your earth walk experience.

Know that you are all ready for this next stage in spiritual evolution, walking the path of true soul alignment.

"It is with great honour and joy that we come forward to support you with this work. --Adoni."

Tags: death, reincarnation, guides, soul, angels