A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after


  • It's in giving that you receive! It's in developing, evolving, helping and maturing that your soul receives growth. As you add to life - more is added to you. This takes "soul work" to produce. This explains the saying that it is in giving (soul work development) that you receive (advancement and good karma).

  • A concise way to explain karma is: you reap what you sow. This includes your actions, attitudes, motives, and their intensity.

  • The thing about karma is that it will follow you home everyday until it has had its complete and full say.

  • As you undermine and hold another person back you are creating the karma for being undermined and held back yourself.

  • Anybody who truly knows how karma works, would never unduly force, manipulate or cast spells over others for self-gain. They'd have to be mentally deranged.

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