A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Laws of After Life

Laws of improvisation. Those on the side of the After Life (YIN) CANNOT tell those on this side (YANG) what's going to happen because we have free will to learn and improvise on our own. We can screw up what we promised to do or accomplish, but they cannot screw that up for us.

In general; they cannot interfere in our overall progress, because if they did it might mean that we would have to sign up for another lifetime to learn the same lesson we signed up to learn. They cannot interfere. They can give us insight and guidance, that's about it.

They cannot lie or make up a story from the YIN side and pass it along to us. It has to do with the expression of frequency, if something is NOT accurate or true, it appears that a person is incapable of passing along false information, as lies due to low frequency cannot exist.

Tags: afterlife, free will