A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after


  • Never blame anyone in your Life. Good people give you Happiness. Bad people give you Experience. The worst people give you a Lesson and the Best people give you Memories.

  • Whomever you exalt, you give power to.

  • Whom you associate with reflects on a part of you.

  • It's often better not to eat as much, than to eat too much of the wrong food. It's better to do less action, than to do much wrong action. It's better to be more alone, than to be too much with the wrong people. It's better to have less money, than to manipulate for dirty money gain.

  • On one hand, always wanting peace and being peaceful brings more peace. However, if you are dealing with bullies, the arrogant, users, abusers, supremacy, the over competitive, manipulators, terrorists, or the hateful, being extra peaceful often brings to one more abuse, loss, degradation, subservience, attacks, damage, or even death.

  • Sometimes you really need to take a break before you break. Sometimes a 10-minute mini-vacation will do. Sometimes a regular vacation is called for. Please take care of yourself!

  • Addictions will own and run you. You neither own nor run you yourself when and where you are addicted. If you don't get a hold of yourself, they are likely to run you into ruin. If you need help, get it. Then your dreams can come true.

  • Being current and on top of your life and responsibilities gives you more self-worth, well-being and it's easier on you versus being behind and back logged with your life. It's worth the up-front effort and it takes less energy in the long run.

  • Schooling and intellect can help you theorize and think about something - while with experience you begin to more mix with, understand, become used to and even masterful with the subject involved.

  • Do your best; accept the rest; relax and enjoy; seek balance and wholeness.

  • Your motives, choices and behavior are what create your future and character, which is your investment for your future. Now, just how would you like it to be?

  • Those who feel that they have the right to be angry and blaming of God haven't dug deep enough for understanding yet. When one's ready the truth explains all very satisfactorily. Let's learn how this game of life is played and make the most of it.

  • Caring wants to do what's right, wisdom discerns what is right to do, and courage does what's right, even against opposition or convention.

  • Deal with what's in your face, or lose face and suffer.

  • Some people could really use more no's in their lives. Some people really need more yes's. Eventually balance can be found.

  • Discovering and becoming who you really are, and what you are meant to do, is your life's greatest mystery and where you can ultimately reach your fullest potential.

  • It's wonderful when you manage your life to the point that your career nourishes and satisfies both your self and your needs.

  • Are you current with the current (flow) for your life? If not, what do you need to do today to get back on track (in the flow)?

  • Applying compassion, intelligence, and understanding lead to more wisdom and right action.

  • Often it's true that the faster I go the further behind I get.

  • If you find yourself keeping step with another drummer, you might also likely find yourself out of step with your own beat.

  • In watching a travel show of the Caribbean it was very telling that the people of Cuba, with it's communism and dictatorship, were far more depressed, beaten down, hopeless, sad, hostile and suppressed than any of the other areas there. Democracy is the wave of the future for all humanity.

  • Our journey is infinite. We never get "there" but can get more and more profoundly here.

  • Are you buzzing along at 100 MPH and missing all the signs?

  • You can tell a lot about people through their eyes and body language.

  • We need to forgive - forgive ourselves and others. Everything is left afoul until we do. Somewhere in us keeps festering until we do. It makes that part of our life rotten, spawning "bad" thoughts, attitudes, dreams and events.

  • If you want a happy life - then do not harbor unhappy thoughts and feelings. Resolve them - don't bury them.

  • Living for something greater than yourself makes you greater than you would have been otherwise. It helps you to get your littleness out of the way for the sake of the bigness of high quality purpose.

  • As you observe your thoughts, habits, lifestyle and general approach to life, do you find that you are more living to die or dying to live?

  • To some of you, it may seem like somebody else has ruined your past, but remember only you can ruin your future.

  • It may take a whole lifetime to adequately mature, grow, and learn how to fully appreciate a single moment.

  • Life is a mystery for learning mastery. As we discover the secrets to mastering our lives and talents, our former hidden mysteries transform into exciting insights to how life works.

  • As we support life - life supports us.

  • Life just keeps going along, and we just keep making our choices, and life just keeps going along, and we just keep making our choices. Each choice helps to design the future life streams that we will find ourselves in. This is our choice. This is our chance.

  • You can do anything too hard or too softly. Both extremes are off balanced and therefore both are somewhat destructive. Keep on ever bringing them toward the balanced center to "Just Right - Ah, life is good".

  • Having a satisfying quality life has as much to do with your attitude, thinking process, and behavior as it does with what's going on around you and in your world.

  • There are 3 basic ways to approach business or your life: to endure getting through each day; escape; or with more passion, meeting challenges, getting better opportunities and pursuing meaningful purpose.

  • Many people live from indulgence to indulgence with little meaning or purpose in between: a spoiled and affluent society will inevitably go down.

  • It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence.

  • Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways -- Sigmund Freud

  • Small precautions can help you avoid large catastrophes.

  • It's not so much which religion you're born into, as it is making the most of the best of that religion, and being kind and supportive to life.

  • Maybe keep your comforts, but don't forsake your cause.

  • How would fragmented selves pursue whole lives? Keep trying to do what is wise, right and whole - and that's right where you will go.

  • Be the hero that you're looking for

  • Be a success - choose to bounce back from your setback.

  • To succeed in life with less and less setbacks - obey all laws (within reason) - whether they are physical, legal, natural or spiritual laws.

  • Mastering unconditional wellbeing comes before unconditional love. And if you truly have unconditional love, it is universal to all, and not just to your favorites and preferences.

  • A good amount of exercise each week almost always will help your body, mind, moods, and perspective function and feel better.

  • The fountain of youth is found within. Center, pay attention, and follow through. "You" have a great life that can be lived.

  • When you're right with life, there's little room for cancer, disease, hard times, or premature death. These are a few of the good incentives to get your priorities straight. Begin your gradual makeover now!

  • Fads are bad in that they tempt you out from your center towards "just things" that don't matter as much - as much as you matter.

  • No pain (effort) - no gain. No brain (applied intelligence) - no gain. No sustain (management and persistence) - no gain.

  • Bad habits spend your money and wellbeing, whether you have them to spend or not.

  • Your holes, imbalances, addictions, comfort zones, illusions, attachments, indulgences, biases etcetera can yank you around like a puppet on a string, or can be used as such by others.

  • To find your authentic true gifts or vocation - first notice your interests - then follow them (be true to yourself) - then naturally your passion kicks in more and more as you do this. Your passion naturally gets spurts of inspiration. You can become a realized gifted person.

  • It's never too late to practice somehow righting a wrong or healing the past if it's still stuck and not set right yet.

  • Actual love and light, that you put into anything or anybody, always makes a difference, whether seen or not.

  • Doing what's only best for your self is barbaric. While doing what's best for yourself and considering what's best for others too, brings the most wins for yourself and also for others in the long run. This sustains a win/win for all.

  • Are you always going somewhere or doing something, but never actually getting anywhere nor fully being where you are nor fully doing what you are doing?

  • Quality versus quantity - would you rather: have a very satisfying meal, or eat a lot; have a good reliable vehicle, or numerous problems cars; have a sweet-heart that means everything to you, or numerous "any port in the storm" type relationships; have 3 really satisfying TV channels, or 103 hit or miss stations; a life that's simply on target and fulfilling, or one where your racing from one thing to another to try to not miss out on anything?

  • Are you un-centered (off-balance), self-centered (egoed), or centered (whole and right with life)?

  • That you were great at something in the past doesn't mean that you can continue to hang your hat on it forever. That was then! Your level of performance that you live your life today is the only thing that can truly fulfill this today. Living in the past is a form of dying in the present that undermines the future.

  • Meeting numerous smaller goals in alignment towards reaching a greater goal is usually the only way of reaching the greater goal. It is the path that reaches greater goals. Well, what's now?

  • These are three factors that will determine how your life will turn out: how you lived your past; how you live your present; and God's plan for you. Don't worry. If you do your part, God's part is a sure thing. No worries mate!

  • How can I connect with my spirit guides? Ask to and seek to. Pursue truth and right. Follow their nudges.

  • Freedom: Master the attitudes of unconditional well being by shifting your attitudes, actions, or perspectives each moment to becoming more at home and functional in your various situations and challenges. Do this versus trying to claim it only if you have the right co-operation, or space; or nationality; or time; or race; or conditions etc. Unconditional wellbeing must be mastered before you can have unconditional love.

  • Not only just seeing the stars, but also to reach and grasp the stars, your elevator must also reach the ground floor too. The higher you go, the more grounded you must be, like the roots for a very, very tall tree.

  • Hope does not help if it's desperate, selfish or ungrounded based. However, if it is natural, a general positive outlook and/or truly inspired, it helps to manifest what is hoped after.

  • Many grow old. Not so many grow up. One just happens. The other takes work.

  • Makeover: Reorganize your world (thoughts, habits, behavior, friends, lifestyle and possessions, etc.) until you are happy and fulfilled. Redo this whenever you begin to loose your quality of life. The better you do this the, more you win!

  • May I steer my life from accuracy of info and not biasness of ego.

  • Observe your reactive thoughts and impulses to different things that come into your life. Before you judge or impulsively respond, first consider what would be the wisest reaction and wisest course of action. It might be a cut better, and everyone can benefit more.

  • Discernment perceives while judgments have a bias. Both can be in agreement sometimes, but aren't coming from the same place.

  • To be all that you con be, and get the most out of your life, you must be both caring and kind to your self, and also, demanding of yourself for a continual upgrade of your consciousness and habits of life.

  • Great crooks and con artists are often very personable and convincing. The same goes for many great speakers, politicians, lawyers, sales people, etc.

  • Intuition: If you get inner-knowings, and faithfully follow their promptings, you will usually be rewarded well. This is how you can develop profound intuition eventually.

  • Some people have greater powers, talents, net worth, intelligence, etc. than the average person. This is not so much so they can get ahead of others, as it is for them to help others get ahead in life too. Of course they should be free to choose.

  • You can never trust criminal or hate-based countries, governments, or individual people to honor promises or agreements.

  • Find your own natural built-in high and whole. Don't get hooked on artificial ones, for they can never fully satisfy you. There is always something missing - all too often it's you. They tend to have side effects that don't sustain your wholeness and wellbeing very well.

  • Are you a hurry-hurry, worry-worry, flurry-flurry type? Is it getting you anywhere? Is this how you want to live... the quality of life you want? Would you prefer a centered, peaceful, organized, guided, effective and/or fulfilling life? If you go after what you want and stick to it, you'll get it. Such is life. What life (quality and meaning) do you choose?

  • A wise person doesn't change his opinion based on what others want or think. He would, however, always consider their merit of wisdom.

  • One of Abraham Lincoln's great qualities came from the depth and strength of his heart: his emotional maturity. He stood not so much to judge and punish, but to find livable solutions for all, and for the common good amongst many deeply rooted differences and desperate struggles.

  • You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality

  • Pain in this life is not avoidable, but the pain we create avoiding pain is avoidable -- RD Laing, MD

  • When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself

  • Nothing is ever done, anything can be undone; and everything should be done.

  • Some of you might benefit from this advice - Right now, cut up your credit cards and start paying them off. If you're married, join in team, and get mad at the debt instead of each other.

  • We are part of nature. As we support it, it supports us. As we abuse nature our life support system begins to degrade and then we begin to fade.

  • What you experience and perceive as you look at anything, has as much to do with your unique point of view as it does with the experience that actually happened. We all see and experience most things at least slightly differently.

  • While you work on your golf game - your golf game works on you (challenging your self-mastery).

Tags: life, pain, health and wellbeing