A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Life Before, In Between, and After Life

The following is through my own lenses and experiences when I traverse between different realms and dimensions using different densities...

Death is immediate

Death is not inside our linear time. If you blink, you would miss death. It comes and takes us outside of this reality, and moves us into a place outside of linear existence. The place outside of time is real, but since we understand life through the concept of time, we can NOT understand that this place exists; nor can one easily wrap our heads around this non-linear concept.

It is also non-local, meaning you can't find it the way you find everything else on a map. It does not have an actual location. And since death has no time and no location in the 1/2/3 construct... we think it is the end as that matter/person cannot be seen or witnessed.

Death is a doorway into a different existence. Through shifting dimensions, one can discover what this existence is like without dying. There is, however, a locale where matters without mass exist beyond time and space confines. And a bridge can be built, an esoteric bridge to connect to this realm... an opening, a way in. And I have been going in and out of there. The bridge takes you deeper and deeper the longer you travel on, and the more you frequent on it.

This place, which we call the afterlife, is a place we can visit while living, and we can use its wisdom in this life. Here are some of the things I shall share about in-between life and afterlife while I was visiting the afterlife.

Miracles are real and can be frequent

We use the word miracle because we perceive synchronicities, unexpected healing, visitations from our loved ones as rare phenomena; that it is something to wish for but will never come true. On the contrary, synchronicities are phenomena that are with the aid of "supernatural" forces' alignment. And the truth is, there is a deeper reality that tells us life can be full of miracles and wishes fulfilled. And we must start to view our life from this miraculous place.

Once we align ourselves to receive these alignments, and we believe that there could be daily miracles, we will find them everywhere. It may appear as magic but not to those who understand how the hidden levels of reality work. One thing to keep in mind is that you are surrounded by miracles waiting to happen if only you start believing in them and welcome them with much gratitude.

Death is a doorway to a bigger room

There is no death, just a pathway to another view of reality. The person who has passed on only "died" in your reality but not in theirs. For them, they let go of the human suit and things changed, and they still exist. I have witnessed where one child of 6 died on this side of 1/2/3-dimensional reality and when I visited this personality at the afterlife realm, she continued to grow to about 15 [where time on this side elapsed about 33 earth years] a much slower pace as there is no physical matter... but doing different types of learning. They want you to understand that, so they can tell you some things they never got to say when they were here with you, living in this existence.

It is not just for our own healing that we must connect with our loved ones, but for them also. Healing needs to take place on both sides.

You can talk to the people you are no longer with on this side every day and at any moment

There are many ways to talk about our loved ones, and you must find your way to do so. How? Try different types of doors. You can go to a well-known medium who has gone back and forth through the door many times. You can do different programs that teach you how to connect. Do your research and be comfortable with your mediumship guide.

When you choose to and actually connect with ones on the side of the afterlife... it actually will help you heal at a deeper level than anything else. Trust the process and believe in what you receive. Don't question your ability to connect. You have been born with the ability to access this channel to connect, but your ego may be impeding you even in the desire to connect due to fear, never mind attempting to really contact a dead person.

We don't have to wait for our loved ones to visit us; we can visit them

Don't have to wait for signs or for the lights to switch on and off... Or to be visited in your dreams? Or worst yet come through the TV... this is a two-way street. We are also meant to visit with them. This is still a relationship... one that needs both parties to put effort forward. If for nothing else... for proper closure; so that you can move forward lightly and with peace and a tranquil heart.

Life is our creation

The place we go when we are no longer physically here is also the place we get to create life from. It is as if afterlife is where creation stems from. It is not after life; it is Life Beyond Life. It is where everything starts from. Your dreams. Your wishes. Your ideals and your whole life are created from there. And you can create with your loved ones too. Your canvas of creation is endless... that is how you got here, isn't it?

Your loved ones want you to know they did not die, as in a total oceanic dissolution

Imagine if you are waving at someone every day and they can't see you. This is how it feels for them. They are trying to get your attention but you are not looking at them or for them. Look for them so they can be seen. They are waving at you and want you to wave back. They wish to let you know that all is good where they are. It does not have to be your loved ones... it can be anyone that has crossed your path.

There are no ghosts

Our society and culture have brainwashed us to be afraid of ghosts and anything to do with death. After all, movies, media, and the whole world it seems, make it all look and sound eerie and creepy. From long ago, an implant to fear death has been secured into our DNA cellular level in order for us to be afraid of death so that we don't take our life journey in vain.

I believe that ghosts are holographic creations of our minds. Our loved ones are not ghosts; they are energy and consciousness that are around us. When we do see them, it is their way of making themselves known in a holographic way, as this is the way we are told that we are able to see them. But whenever I connect with them, they will always present themselves in their prime to me; whether or not I've known them at that time. They will and do come to us in different takes.

Heaven is for real, and Hell is for even more real

Yes, for real, really!!! The place from which this reality is being projected from is where Heaven is located. Which also includes the people we think we lost. It is where light comes from and gives us this image of this world. It is actually called the Holographic principle, and there have been studies on this and it has been scientifically proven. This reality is an image being projected from the 2D dimension where light, energy, and our consciousness exist always.

This consciousness is part of our mental sphere levels. At the time of departure, we transition our holon/soul from consciousness to continue consciousness; this is where our exit frequency matters. Not only matters but dictates what will be next in our journey to in-between life and afterlife.

Now heaven is different for everyone, and there are actually no angelic beings with human bodies and wings floating about. Heaven is a place/locale/realm where one will go to as being their favorite place to continue their favorite activities; and they will carry on with their daily must-do routines. If he/she happens to be a surgeon, the surgeon will be back to the OR to continue work on his patient... a mother will go back to a place similar to her home and cook and clean and wait for her family to come home to enjoy her meals... a street cleaner will go to many streets to clean., an inventory will go back to a laboratory and continue to work on the invention.

Now if your exit frequency is low and lived a very negative life and absent of service to others... then this is your realm of hell... everything that you are horribly afraid of in life will be your place of visit as in-between life and afterlife. And since there is no time, this chamber of horror will recycle and repeat itself over and over again.

If upon death you wish to haunt and possess and do your revenge..., you will be possessed by others for you to continue your experience. And if you have been anchored in greed for materialism and cannot let go... you will be weighted down and crushed by all your worldly possessions... if you disrespected other food chain life forms and hunted for free meat... you will be hunted and on the run in the afterlife. And if you take and take and engage in uneven exchange... you will be staying in your hellhole to even out those uneven exchanges... and if most part of your previous life you are engulfed in lies and deceptions and manipulation... you will not be swimming out of your quicksand of lies and deceits any time soon.. you will be lost in this realm... and when you ask for directions to get out... lies will point you into dead ends and be in a maze of deceptions for a suspended time of no time.

God/source/universe is the first creator, who observed you into existence

There was a first creator, who observed our creation. You see, reality here cannot exist without someone observing it and therefore creating it. Observation induces creation and unless an earlier form of consciousness observed us, we could not have existed. When there is nobody looking at the stars, we are being told that the stars cannot be there. This is one of the most fascinating theories out there. Einstein used to say "I want to think that the moon is there when I am not looking at it." Even he didn't want to consider that possibility, but it was one that he had to come to terms with.

You are never alone

I know it feels like you are all alone with nobody by your side, but one thing I know for sure is that not only your loved one is by your side but many others. You are surrounded by guides, loved ones, your higher self and the whole cosmos. Not only do you have company but they want to help, connect and be a part of your journey.

My Personal Experience

My current life ex-mom showed me what she has been doing since she joined the afterlife... she got a huge house and was remodeling it... she was learning swimming and we went down some giant water slide... she was writing a book on 1920-1949 Shanghai... all that she had wanted to do on this side and didn't get a chance to do so... all were lived out in the in-between afterlife. My current life ex-dad, days right after his euthanasia death, waited in his nursing home's room to try to turn on his TV... and when it was his scheduled time to go... he showed me a visual of a close-up fetus being created... then very shortly after he reincarnated... as he has been waiting a long time in the nursing home to have a new and fresh start with all the working parts... that then was his heaven. I have also been privileged to witness and experience others' departure and where they go after... their transition from with form to formless... sometimes smooth... sometimes struggling... all depends on each's mindset on departure from this side.

What is the true meaning of Death then?

Death is the irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain an organism. The physical part that makes up an organism dissolved. However, there are more parts to an organism than just the conscious. There is also the subconscious, preconscious and super conscious and subliminal; and all that will live on in a different realm/locale; the only difference is without a body physical. CHANGE FORM and CHANGE STATE... simply that.

Tags: death, afterlife, source, soul