On Wokeness
Being politically correct often replaces right and caring action. The first method seeks to undermine truth and the masses, while the second seeks to do wise, insightful, responsible and constructive behavior.
Often idealists, new-agers, and highly emotional people do not require sufficient evidence for the proof of truth. While the intellectuals, scholars, doctors, and scientist types may require way too much evidence for the sufficient proof of truth. Those who love and pursue truth the most, eventually balance these extremes for the sake of securing more higher quality truths for their higher quality lives and beliefs.
That people are arguing is not a problem. But whether they are arguing constructively or destructively can be. One solves the problems and progressively endears, while the other agitates the problems, is dysfunctional and can be hurtful.
You have those who are balanced and centered with reasonable and realistic perspective, and then those who go to the extreme right and left. Those extremes are basically of the same group who are more non-negotiable, more righteous, with less common reason and less mutual respect. How to be impassioned for a cause and reasonable at the same time come to many who care enough to find a solution to.
Tags: political correctness, ideology, beliefs