A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after


  • Roughly 1/3 of American births are to single women. Yikes! Here's a suggestion: Develop first a wholesome relationship with yourself. Then it will usually develop to the point of finding a relationship with another. Work out the issues and mature into a wholesome fulfilling partnership. Finally you are truly ready to choose to responsibly bring in a new soul to the Earth condition - a well-loved and prepared for child. Should it be any other way? If you're going to have sex, have safe sex until you reach the last stage.

  • Bringing too many children into the world without sufficient family and community support, stability and wellbeing is a curse to them, their parents, their community and the world: Overpopulation of generally (but not always) leads to more limited and dysfunctional people. This gradually brings down everybody, the quality of life and our quantity and quality of resources, while the poverty, social dysfunctions, crime, morale and general irritations go up.

  • Children's cells live on in their mother's bodies long after birth - up to many decades. Researchers believe they sometimes come to the mother's aid during illness or trauma.

  • We need to be effectively raised into wholesome, mature and effective adults usually by our parents and/or by ourselves, before we can be "ready" to raise our own children.

  • Have children, you will grow up faster.

  • When all is said and done - it appears that one of the main hidden reasons some parents have children is so that they themselves can grow up.

  • Financing your children does not take the place of raising your children. It does not complete the human and needed equation of imprinting, touch, and caring that your children needs. It can only help at best. Are you too busy to give of yourself for the best impact to your children?

  • To us parents, leaders, bosses, officers, individuals, etc - let us lead by the virtue of our example and wisdom rather than the mere title of our position.

  • Good families, with well-functioning and good family life, are the basis for good, and well-functioning societies and countries.

  • Better posture makes one more impregnable.

  • You can both over-give and under-give to your growing children or aging parents. Both extremes are destructive. Pursue what's best for them and right for you. Take care of the needs and discern which wants are appropriate to support. And remember, you count too!

  • The amount of freedom that a child is allowed should be proportional to their maturity and level of potential for problems where he or she will be.

Tags: parenting, children, family