The Difference Between Feelings and Emotions
Feelings are nouns, Emotions are verbs (Energy in motion, or E + motion)
"Happy" is a feeling and is a noun as you can add "ness" to it and is NOT an emotion as you cannot add a past tense of "ed" to it, for example "happied".
Worry (verb) is an emotion and should be moved, it is a verb like "worried" and never a noun like "worriness".
There is no past tense to feelings such as "happied", for feelings can only be increased or decreased, such as "happier" or "happiest" in "happiness".
Emotions have past tense as they are meant to be moved past in a timeline, such as "worrying" or "worried" and no such thing as increase or decreased as in "worriest" or "worriness".
Dictionary Definition: Feelings are mental experiences of body states, which arise as the brain interprets emotions, themselves physical states arising from the body's responses to external stimuli.
As such, one has control and intelligence of feelings, of the choice response, how you choose to feel.
"I feel sad" - "feel" is the verb and sad is the noun, therefore sad is the feeling of the body's state of being.
"I am sad" - "am" is the noun, and "sad" is the adjective to the noun am; therefore this is a false feeling state of being.
"I am sadden" - "am" is the noun and "sadden" is the verb, therefore sadden is an emotion and can and should be moved so that this sadness is temporary, so stop making this "Sad" action a thing.
Another take on the differences between feeling and emotion: I placed my hand on a candle flame and felt the burning (emotion), and my emotional intelligence brain interpreted the sensation as negative stimuli and sent a pain signal for me to remove my hand from the flame. I associated the pain (feeling) as a state of being to correct my oversight (choice) and charted the experience as flame can damage and not to repeat.
And that is the process of using emotions as props for choosing a state of being (feeling) to enable an experience and result in lesson learned.
If emotions and feelings were a chart, emotion would be the x-axis and feeling would be the y-axis.
Emotion moves along horizontally with the past-present-future value.
Feeling moves up and down with the vertical ascending or descending value.
All the happenings in life are stimuli that we each had ordered (X axis = Emotions), sliding from past to present to future; and how we choose to respond to the stimuli (Y axis = Feelings) shall result in us spiritual ascension or descent.
Law of Free Will = Choose
Tags: feelings and emotions, challenges, ascension, free will