A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Transcencdental Death

The Art of Living is Living Well... The Art of Dying is Dying Well

Dying Well is a Good Death...a good death is one where you are looked after in accordance to your values and wishes, seamlessly, with your dignity and integrity intact and leaving with a sense of Closure.

On death and dying, this is our greatest teacher, for this is our story of our sojourns. And the more prepared we are, the more gracefully we may bring it to a satisfying close. A calm fall into a cosmic sleep.

It is NOT the same as euthanasia.

Euthanasia, helping someone die a different way as their original blueprint

  1. Surgeons
  2. Nurses
  3. Doctors
  4. Health Care workers
  5. Loved Ones
  6. Partners
  7. Ambulance Drivers
  8. Paramedics

Dying With Dignity, My Life My Choice

I came with my butt exposed screaming for air... I shall leave with grace and dignity

So PLEASE do not insist on changing my departure path to suit your peace of mind, your fear is yours to deal with... how you tamper with mine is your KARMA...

We all have choices in life, especially Life's Choices... so MAKE them

Your exit choice shall determine your re-enter choice

Tags: death