A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Trapped Energy on the Mental Plane

Pain Signals, Irritation, Inflammation, and What it Means

Body PartTrapped Energy or Repressed Emotions
Head or SkullFeelings of inadequacy
Face or 5 sensesDenial or deception
BrainChoosing to erase memories
Chin or ThroatMiscommunication or misrepresentation
NeckFear or repressed self-expression
ShouldersBurdens and responsibilities
Upper BackGrief or sadness
Middle BackInsecurity or powerlessness
Lower BackGuilt, shame or unworthiness
SpineLacking integrity or conforming to peer pressure
ChestEgo rules your heart, inferiority complex full blown
StomachResisting your feelings, inability to process your emotions
NavelUnwillingness to assimilate information or knowledge
Hip & ButtLiving in the past
Pelvic BasinReproductive issues
KneesResisting directional changes in life
Fingers or ToesResisting connection between mind and heart
Arms"Give and take" imbalances
LegsResisting the future
SkinRepressed feelings of insignificance
Pancreas or SpleenGreed
LungsSorrow or hopelessness
Small IntestineDon't walk your talk
Large IntestineUnwilling to let go of something or holding on to grudges
Reproductive OrgansHanging on to hurt from a romantic partner
KidneysShock or extreme fear

Tags: pain, understanding yourself, physical health, health and wellbeing