A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after


Question: How come you know so much?

My own personal history... It merely means to me the development of the personal self through reincarnation and living an infinite number of lifetimes, and studying in the spiritual worlds in between lifetimes, learning of all the elements and factors which relate to this present expression and then bringing them back and consciously orienting them into this world

My life is filled with examples of what are called unusual manifestations and demonstrations which can only be attributed to the fact that I came into this world with them. They were the result of many thousands of years of study in other worlds and other dimensions at different densities. I am merely consciously expressing them now. There are no gifts. A person works with whatever he has whether it is good or bad, he works for what he has.

Question: How did you develop this psychic ability?

There is nothing more definitely misunderstood in this world than the term, being psychic or being clairvoyant or clairaudient. In either case, when a person becomes psychic or clairvoyant, it is simply an outgrowth of wisdom. A person develops inner consciousness...application is the key.

When one becomes wise in the motivating principles of life, one can no longer live on the old reactionary planes of life in materialistic elements which must be stimulated from outside sources into a consciousness of every moment. Then one learns to resolve all things from the inner consciousness and in that way he connects himself with an infinite number of dimensions of interpolations into other worlds, into other realms and planes of consciousness which have been a part of one's former life. It is through frequency relationship. The principles used here are the same principles which the modern scientists use in radio and television and other forms of communication.

Question: Did you read a great deal?

I did most of my reading, if it can be called any kind of formal reading, in my very lazy way. I would read the first few paragraphs and know the answer or the outcome of the material...then I would read the last page or paragraph to confirm if the author conforms to the TRUTH.

Question: Did you have a normal childhood?

I never questioned if I am normal...I thought that is how everyone else is...same as me. When I went to school in my early years, I wanted to play with other children. And they told me they had to study. What is study? I often wondered. Then I was told that it is to memorize what is in the textbooks so when the time comes to be tested one would know the answers. That is an oxymoron to me first of all, don't you just know the answers to all questions? And if you happen to not remember the answers in the forefront of your mind then you can see the answers in your mind's eyes, why waste time to "study" when you can play? Gradually I learned to keep my abilities to myself through many trials and tribulations.

Question: How did you do in school?

I did not see that having my abilities would be cheating because my tools and skills are mine to use. In Chemistry 10/11/12 I told my teacher that the periodic table was incomplete, and I posed many challenging questions to him. Then I was asked to not attend chemistry classes and I received straight A's for not attending, to not be annoying. This was not merely by going into these books and rereading them, and more or less, hammering them into my consciousness. It was merely the reawakening of a great number of things I had learned in other worlds and different times. Only in this current time/space, in modern form and ideology did I orient them again into my way of thinking and my way of life, which was similar to the people about me, so it would not be foreign to them or cause any reaction with them.

Question: So we all have been here before?

Reincarnation is being proven every day. We go to sleep at night; we wake up in the morning; we begin a new cycle during the day. Life is just like that from one life to the next. When we live in the spiritual worlds, that is equivalent to our night time; we wake up and begin a new cycle of life, but all the things which we did yesterday are part of the pattern of our lives today. As we incarnate, it is only a larger cycle instead of a small day-by-day cycle; we now have a life-by-life cycle. When we get into the proportions of larger cycles, we will then see that we get into cycles which can be referred to as epochs. We take from the time Atlantis was destroyed some fifteen thousand years ago and we can explain cyclical patterns on a very scientific basis to the scientist as well as to the layman and point out, not only their own personal cycles—-not in any astrological concept or any known form today but a scientific form which is only partially understood by the scientist of today. Every person has his own pattern of cycles from one day to another. If one kept track of them and in that way, one could very accurately forecast for weeks of time what one would feel like on any one particular day, simply because of cycles and their junctions. This is how an astrologist charts and predicts the "future".

Question: So there are merits and truth to astrology?

In some basic evaluation, astrology today is one of the derivatives which has been intermixed with a lot of other different elements in its metamorphosis or its evolution down through time. The basic astrology, or astrophysics, relating this world and universe to other universes was first taught by the Lemurians one hundred fifty thousand years ago. The opening chapter of Genesis states that the Lord made the earth in six days. The pagan in India and other places knows more about Christianity than the Christian does. Now these six days refer to six astrophysical cycles; they refer to the earth which is traveling in a retrograde cycle--what they call the cycle of the recessional. It arrives minus so many degrees each year from its original point. At the end of 25,862 years it has passed through an arc of 360 degrees.

This is very important to remember when we realize that it is the same principle which turns the motor in the vacuum sweeper and activates all electronic mechanisms in this day and age as they resolve themselves into motor form; for the sun, which is a vortex of energy as I have explained, has as a direct consequence, a great radial pattern of magnetic structures radiating into the material dimension which we call the third. These structures are the lines of force which stem out in a radial pattern, just as they do from the poles of a magnet and which, in turn, interlink with the earth and every planet in the solar system and with every other sun and planet in the entire universe. These are all very scientific and well-known principles.

Now the cycle of the recessional at 25,862 years is divided into twelve equal divisions—-a little over two thousand years to each one. In modern astrology, we term them from Pisces to Aquarius. We call them anything we wish because there is nothing mystical about their particular terminology. As far as these cycles in themselves are concerned, it only means that in their relationship to certain very definite lines of magnetic force stemming out from the sun and interlinked with the universe, the earth is a subjective particle; and the qualities of that particular personal magnetism are inflected indirectly and directly into consciousness of every living and atomic structure on the face of the earth. Even the earth itself is subjective to that magnetic force. Now that is the basis for astrology. When it is understood, it is a very factual science, and a very vast science, because then we will understand how it is that the planets can revolve about the sun and still maintain an exact form after millions of years.

As far as biblical history is concerned with the history of human, and starting from the Garden of Eden which in itself is a spiritual parable, we add up these six days according to 25,000 years, and we go back approximately 156,000 years ago. That was when the great space ship from Lemuria landed in the Gobi desert. Now three Europeans have seen the remains of this space ship. It isn't a matter of theory—-they actually did. The Mormons and Latter Day Saints have a strange parallel in this story. These Lemurian Masters who were eleven in number—-and this gives us the basis for another concept, eleven being the number of mankind they succeeded in constructing an amphibious craft from the remnants of this space ship. Churchward was one of the men who went into a cave and saw the remnants of this space ship.

So these Lemurian Masters started out to cross the desert, came to the Pacific Ocean, and from knowing previously from astronomical research from their own planet of Lemuria, knew of the great continent out in the Pacific Ocean. They established a great civilization and they taught the spiritual way of life which is being established through UN.AR.I.U.S. on the face of the earth today the true scientific principles behind all the symbolisms, which we call metaphysics or various cultism and orthodoxies.

The true Garden of Eden was first Lemuria, because these great Masters taught the spiritual principles of life as they are related to pure science, energy wave forms, the psychic self, curing disease by psychokinetics, the mind forces and various other factors. So, as the people gathered about from the corners of the earth which we refer to as the ten tribes and were brought in, they were primitive, savage people, and that is the basis for the story of the Tower of Babel and the Masters teaching the science to the people. Then after thousands of years, there was a great cataclysm which destroyed Lemuria and it sank; but before that happened, there were establishments of great civilizations all over the world in Yucatan and Atlantis and other places of the world. Egypt was first formed more than one hundred thousand years ago. Time itself means little or nothing.

Archaeology in this day is very infantile in its evaluation of time and is only basing its equivalents on the retrograde of great civilizations which existed in the past. The spiritual age of Lemuria was again typified in Atlantis and relived there for many thousands of years and it is known today to a degree. Even Plato made references to Atlantis.

No doubt, psychologists would want to condemn me to a psychopathic institution if I were to state that I have a conscious memory of more than 15,450,000 years and I could describe the planet Lemuria and life there. But I am not alone for we have had many examples of people who have come from Atlantis and Lemuria who remember the destruction and the various lives they lived. I, myself, have been marked with a stigma of the crucifixion two thousand years ago. It isn't a matter of whether we can believe or accept these things; it is a challenge to everyone's personal threshold of intelligence. In other words, it separates the sheep from the goats, because in the present reactionary psychology according to Freud, man has been reduced to a mere happenstance. There is nothing in modern psychology to support life on the planet earth--nothing whatsoever.

Every minute we have two people entering mental institutions. America has the highest rate of mental illness in the world, and it is high time something was done about it something more constructive or something more scientific something that will fill in the various obvious gaps in between science and religion, between the unknown elements of life as they really are and what they are commonly expressed in the reactionary way of living today by the average individual. Human does not know that s/he is really a walking, living, television set. There again, science has struck a very close parallel with life, as far as human is concerned just as the transmitter on the hill reflects sound and pictures in a matrix of wave forms and vibrations into the antenna and into the system of the television set. These wave forms mean something to the tubes in their integrated circuit, so they are amplified, separated, sorted and projected as a series of light and dark spots on the fluorescent face of the picture tube at the rate of 16,000 spots per second. These are all synchronized with various pulses which are also mixed in with the original wave which came out of the transmitter.

The same process of life takes place with every individual every day and every moment of his life elements of synchronization and wave forms, the constant multiplicity of various energy creations which are reflected back into his consciousness from previous lives. It explains everything. There are no unknown answers, no hidden mysteries when a person understands this science. All church systems today exist only by certain psychological principles of fear.

The average person attends church/religious studies only because of certain fears which have been woven into his consciousness and his psychic self through many generations and many lifetimes. He goes to church because he is afraid to do anything else. He lets the priest or whoever it is in that church become the demigod of his existence. The keys to heaven and hell are held by the church, and nothing is more unrealistic. Jesus taught that every man was most properly connected with the Infinite Intelligence, the Father within which doeth all things, the Kingdom of Heaven which is within. In spite of St. Jerome and others, who had great influence in interpreting the Bible, especially the New Testament, we still find many of the imperishable truths and principles in the New Testament. Even the average Christian today does not know that he is not worshiping the one God, (the Infinite), but he actually worships a pantheology. He does not have a monotheistic religion in any sense of the word. He is worshiping the old pagan god, Jehovah, a god which was brought out of ancient Chaldea by Abraham, a god of avarice, lust, anger and hate that is contrasted to the Infinite God of the Creator Source that lives in everything.

Question: So... is Jehovan bad news then?

Many moons ago, and even more turns of the Sun ago, when planet Earth was formed to sustain life for the purpose of lesson based learning, Energies from the 7D created or pulled together resources to make Earth a paradise as stop over for energies from 6D / 5D / 4D as they make the transition from 6D to 5D to 4D before they venture out to 3D/2D/1D. There were many bundles of light sources as each of us is from an aspects of a bundle. Then in order to go from 6D to 5D the 6D bundle must split into lower frequency to become the 5D bundle and so on and so forth. Each spark from the split of the bundle is given the divine power within to manifest, to create his/her own universe. "Uni" = one "verse" = rhythm, which translates to "One rhythm", each spark with its own rhythm, to learn to share as one chooses. So in Your Universe, You are your creator, You are your own God Source... and as each spark lowers its frequency to join in with the 5D... then 4D... then 3D... then 2D... then stuck in 1D, this spark looks to external factors to be the God... completely forsaken the self, sold the self out... turn their back on Light and started to worship external influences. What is worst is the worship of inanimate objects for protection and guarantor of prosperity and good fortune.


"Je" in biblical terms carries a diminutive meaning such as little or less... it is to minimize

"Ho" = Hosea = salvation

"Va" is actually "vav", vav= hook / joining of Heaven and Earth

"n" = "nun" = humanity

So then, Johovan as a god or Jehovah Witness as a religion implies through this worship one would minimize the self for the self salvation using the resources from Heaven and Earth... rather one will witness self disempowerment by belonging to something/someone outside of the self that carries the intention to diminish.

Question: What does HOVAVE represent?

I came as a stream of Light during peaceful time and as a Lightning Bolt when it is urgent... the "E" at the end is a symbol for Bolt of Lightning

I am an aspect of VAVE—-Light of Valleys and Mountains

Question: Is there a difference between Johovan and Jehovah and HOVAVE?

Jehovah = minimize the self for the salvation of self-preservation using external resource

Johovan = someone willing through the worship of external entity signup for self-disempowerment; carrying the intention to diminish

HOVAVE = Honouring Self-Empowerment, activation of our own Light Code

Question: Since all spirits are here to learn lessons, what constitute a lesson learned?

Humanity has devolved to a point where some power outside of the self dictates when something is learned, such as being given a diploma, certificate of recognition, grades, certification, degree of decree, a title, initials after your name; etc.

Often one would go to a specialist/expert and seek solutions; when the solution is provided through outside sources, this is not learning; it is a quick fix.

This is a definition of when something is learned. First is the awakening of knowledge, then this knowledge is applied full circle; and when this application is for what is best for all involved and stand the test of time; it is learned. More importantly, it is when the lesson can be applied with integrity throughout the many dimensions as many densities. Often the learning requires many repeats, trials, and tribulations.

Ancestral genetic transmissions of their lessons be it learned or unlearned are not your learned lessons. They are borrowed experiences to fast track our survival. If you chose to cut and paste ancestral unlearned lessons as the starting point of your own lessons you will for sure inherit many junk issues that cannot be addressed, as the original props are missing and it is not for you to "fix". This would explain your desire to have a situation "fixed" already by never going through the coarse of learning; as this was never your issue to learn or fix—-the learning is with the ancestor, not you.

Question: Please share the concept of dimension and density and help us understand the difference

This will take up the rest of the workshop...

Let's just get us on the same page with dimension and density...

Dimension is a place... a realm... a platform... a container... a locale...more like a noun

Density is a vibratory frequency.... the rate at which the object is bouncing back and forth... almost verb

All there is in All of Reality, is Consciousness, existing in different levels, or layers, of manifestation. Reality can be divided into these different "layers", each corresponding to a level of vibration, or frequency, characterizing the Consciousness therein. These layers form a spectrum, ranging from the layers with the lowest frequency 1st Density, generally speaking corresponding to solid physical matter, all the way to the layers of highest frequency, of subtler substance, and closest to Intelligent Infinity: from where all things come from, and all concepts--including those of layers, frequency, to 7th Density, which is pure energy, formless...

Comparatively speaking, the layers of a lower frequency, i.e. vibrating at a slower rhythm are said to be more heavy or dense, while the layers of a higher frequency, i.e. vibrating at a comparatively faster rhythm are said to be lighter, more subtle, less dense. While observing and comparing the layers with each another, and as such characterizes them. In short, they are referred to by the term Densities. All Reality can be observed as being divided into 7 main, primary Densities.

Each primary Density forms a reality, an environment, where spiritual entities exist and live, for the purposes of their individual experiences and lessons. Each Density is characterized by the average Level of Awareness of the spiritual entities inhabiting it. So, for example, in a 3D reality the average Level of Awareness of the entities inhabiting is 3D, in a 4D reality, the average individual Level of Awareness of the entities inhabiting it is 4D. And so on. The external "physical" environment of a reality (and also the experiences that reality is capable of offering to the entities navigating it) tends to match the current, average level of Awareness of the entities within it. In other words, realities of lower Densities tend to be based in solid physical matter, whereas realities of higher Densities (lighter) tend to become less solid, more subtle, fluid, malleable. Specifically, 3D and 4D realities tend to be based in physical matter, much like on Earth, 5D physical realities start to become more infused with what we would call energy, or 'subtle substance', and 6D realities may no longer be called 'physical', as they are formed of pure energy

The spectrum of Densities doesn't imply locality; locality is dimension. It's first and foremost a measurement, Like liters are for volume, or meters are for distance. In the same line of thought, Densities "are" for vibration/frequency of the energy. So under a broad perspective, Densities aren't "places". For all effects and purposes you may consider them as being "all over". Densities are superimposed on top of each other, and at each and every point "in time and space", if you will, co-existing there simultaneously. In other worcs, all of them are in the same place, at the same time. If you were to shift from one Density to another, you didn't have to "go" somewhere, you'd simply change your vibratory state to match that of the desired Density and you'd now be "there", "in" said Density.

Every element in existence can be observed to be vibrating at a certain specific, "main" rate, or in other words, to be "of" a certain Density. This includes all celestial bodies and things in them: stars, planets, and all other elements. Each of these can be described as being "part of" -—or at least having a part in--a certain, specific Density. To summarize and simplify, and for the purposes of this explanation, we can say any given planet is "of" a certain, specific Density. That means a planet's overall vibratory "rate" matches said Density. For instance, Earth is currently a 3rd Density planet.

Densities are measurements of the vibration of matter - but they are also measurement of Consciousness. A synonym for them would be Levels of Awareness. The reason for this, is that both abstract Consciousness, and matter, are forever intertwined. All there is, is Consciousness, existing at different states/rates of vibration, projecting outward from Intelligent Infinity. Densities can also be referred to as a measurement of the state of vibration Consciousness can be in, at any given point, and consequently, describe a spectrum of spiritual progress as well.

When a planet is 'of' a certain Density, in terms of the vibration of its matter i.e. of the setting, this has a direct correspondence with the average, cumulative Level of Awareness of the collective of Souled beings incarnating and manifesting there - as well as the types of experiences, and the types of personal/spiritual lessons, they have and can undergo there.

Earth is of the 3rd Density. This means that the collective of human beings living there, together with the societal systems and constructs currently in place, and the totality of the personal lessons, are representatives of and match the 3rd Level of Awareness.

The Density of a reality (matter) always accompanies the Density, or Level of Awareness, of the global collective of Souls inhabiting it (Consciousness). A 3D planet has "in it" sentient beings operating in 3D awareness; a 4D planet holds beings of 4D awareness, and so on. The two aspects define and accompany each other, akin to two sides of the same coin. Further, if the level of awareness of the collective as a whole was to shift from one Level of Awareness to the next, say from 3D to 4D, then the level of awareness of the setting itself would, necessarily, have to accompany the equivalent transition in level of awareness of the collective.

For example, if a 3D collective of a 3D planet was to graduate in awareness from 3D to 4D, then the planet would also transition from the 3rd Density to the fourth. One must always accompany the other.

Being a measurement for awareness itself, the spectrum of Densities also corresponds the types of lessons that are prevalent at each level, both collectively and individually. For example, 3D settings are typically apout competition for resources perceived as limited, which leads to a prevalence of mindsets about the "survival of the fittest". In 3D, a common challenge is often the choice between the practical, pragmatic route that comes at the cost of harm to others, or the choice of trying to do the "right thing" but that's often a harder path, and may also be seen as impractical and naive, or otherwise placing the oneself at a disadvantage when facing/competing with those who aren't willing to make that choice. The lesson in 3D is often the challenge of respecting the Free Will of another. At each Density, there is a prevalence of a certain type of lessons and challenges, both individually and collectively.

In turn, 4D settings tend to have a much greater prevalence of the qualities of love, harmony, and collective peace, at this point seen as 'better'. Collectively and spiritually, the collective at some point made the spiritual decision and commitment to work together anc actively disengage from inner competition and strife, and by coing so this hac grac uate from 3D. But no Density is 'perfect', that is to say, devoid of challenge: there is further steps ahead in the journey. At 4D, the desire for harmony and peace often comes at the cost of neglecting the inner truth of the self. It can also become about committing to a pursuit of the 'flashy' and obvious on the outsice (even spiritually) out which may deviate from the truth within.

To finalize - and just to complicate matters a bit more, perhaps - entities/souls who attained a comparatively more advanced stage of spiritual progress in other places and as part of other collectives (i.e. "higher" Densities) can at points 'travel', or project, to realities at lower Densities, i.e. at a comparatively earlier stage of the Density progression, to undergo experience there. There are a number of reasons for doing so, mainly related with a) reinforcing lessons best learned on the Density one's traveling to, b) learning lessons anew that were bypassed or were absent "the first time around", and/or c) to take advantage of the opportunity to accelerate one's spiritual growth. The lower the Density, the more intense and difficult the experiences are there but for that same reason, the faster spiritual lessons can be acquired. An entity/soul may simply be in a 'lower' Density to contribute to assist the evolutionary cycle of Consciousness at a cifferent place, having answered a call beforeiand to do so. The reasons for an entity to participate in a Density in this fashion are often the result of a comoination of multiple of these factors: having answered a call to participate, but simultaneously because this matched its necessities for spiritual advancement.

In the case of planet Earth, you may have individuals living 3D lives and going through lessons that may oe described as being 3D, but on a spiritual level having originally 'arrived' from other Densities. It will often be a case this didn't occur in this one lifetime (although it could) but, more often than not, the individual had spiritually arrived "from elsewhere" a considerable span of time before, in order to participate significantly in the cycles of reincarnation on Earth, which means by now, in the present moment, they have lived many past-lives on Earth — even if it remains valid they are from their own Density of 'origin'.

The human is a complex being. They are able to sustain beliefs and perspectives matching Densities other than the 3rd - while still living and functioning in a 3D reality. That is to say, at any given moment in time a person may hold and sustain perspectives and behaviors that aren't "of" 3D, but of 4D, 5D, and beyond - depending on their personal development, and specific spiritual background.

By the same token, it's possible for an individual to be going through challenges that are 3D-like in nature — corresponding to the Density they are in — but that in some way also match their own inner spiritual challenges and graduations at higher levels, such as for instance lessons of 4D, 5D, etc. In this case, life situations being lived in 3D will both match and assist lessons being addressed by the self at higher levels of their spiritual awareness i.e. of other Densities. The lessons undertaken in the 3D of Earth, may be meant to accelerate spiritual lessons tle self from elsewhere, but which he or she desired to pursue spiritually here.

However, the concept of Densities defines first and foremost a spectrum for awareness: they measure the possible levels of beliefs, bias, and perceptions that can be held by spiritual entities at any given point in time, with its highest reference being the level of awareness of the Soul closest to Source - and ultimately, of Source itself. As entities conduct their spiritual journeys with the purpose and effect of raising their awareness, the spectrum of Densities therefore defines, implies, describes, the spiritual journeys undertaken by entities, and the lessons they go through in those journeys. When we use the word Density, we sometimes refer to, or imply, a reality, i.e. an environment, a planet, a location, a "realm": a set of circumstances and physical properties where entities/individuals are living and accumulating experience. i.e. planet Y is a 5D planet.

Nevertheless, despite the word "Density" often implying a reality, it fundamentally means, relates, not with the set of circumstances and the physical attributes of that reality, but to the abstract measurement of the Level of Awareness to which that reality corresponds to — which, in turn, points back to the Level of Awareness of the Souled entities inhabiting that reality. Ultimately, the concept of Densities, or Levels of Awareness always refer to, first and foremost, perception, belief, thought, bias; to the frequency, vibration of those thoughts and beliefs (i.e. awareness); plus, to the choices and actions taken by the souled individual's beliefs and thoughts, as well as the life circumstances they--either purposefully and/or inadvertently--attract/draw unto themselves.

Human beings exist and live, currently, in a 3D reality. In other words, it is a reality whose vibration and experience generally speaking correspond to the 3rd Density, and matches the overall, average level of awareness of all human beings in that reality. However, even if the reality is currently 3D, it's nevertheless possible for each human being to express and/or hold different, various levels of Awareness besides 3D. The human is a complex spiritual being, capable of holding and expressing any belief and perception corresponding to any of the Densities. So for example, one could exhibit 4D beliefs when dealing with their family; while exhibiting 5D beliefs in their professional environments; while holding 6D beliefs about their spiritual self and personal insightful vision. The "cumulative", "average", overall Level of Awareness of an individual will result from the multitude of various perceptions towards the various facets and aspects of their life and existence, as well as their choices and actions in each of those areas.

Furthermore, just because a human being is currently undergoing experience and incarnating in a 3D environment, doesn't necessarily mean that he's "from" that environment, i.e. that this is his current, highest level of Awareness he's capable of attaining as a spiritual entity. It may be the case that the spiritual self incarnating as human has already graduated to higher Densities of awareness above 3D in the past - and/or has chosen to project from those Densities - and is now incarnating in 3D, with a 3D awareness and undergoing experience in the 3D environment. This may happen for several reasons: to repeat past lessons in order to reinforce them; to acquire new skills which weren't integrated in the past; to simply explore a new reality and the possibilities it provides; to accumulate experiences that it deems necessary for future endeavors; or to achieve the learning of their lessons in an environment where this learning can be achieved faster.

As a rule of thumb, the lower the Density, the shorter the cycles of experience and leaning, compared to equivalent cycles in other Densities. This is because the overall experience is that much more intense, and difficult. As such, entities may be interested in taking advantage of any available 'slots' for experience in lower Densities, such as 3D, because these can act as catalysts for faster learning, allowing them to accomplish more in a much shorter span of time, than what they could otherwise achieve in their more natural, so to speak, current, or original, Level of Awareness. When this is the case, an entity might be living in 3D and going through the 3D lessons allowed by that reality; but each of those lessons will correspond to, overlap with, its original lessons from more subtle Densities, such as 4D, 5D, and so on.

In being available and open to the learning through the 3D experience, and graduating from its 3D lessons, the entity may, at the same time, be graduating through its own original lessons, finding questions to its own doubts, and generally accelerating its spiritual journey.

It is always the case that whenever entities of more subtle stages of spiritual awareness chose to, so to speak, "turn back" and undergo experience in a lower Density such as 3D, they will always be contributing to the spiritual growth and progress of the 3D reality, and the rest of the entities living there. This takes place both indirectly — simply by their presence which contributes in terms of vibration, energy, and so forth — and possibly also in a more direct manner, due to such entities holding, in some way or another, references, standards, perspectives, and memories, of different ways of doing things, from the realms from whence they came. Such memories and references may not appear clearly within their 3D minds, but they may come forth, at points, under the form of new ideas, ideals, inventions, choices, art, inspiration, creativity, and or even be the prop of other's lessons...

So whenever I say that you are in 1D, that means you are stewing in 1D the dimension, where energies are thick and dense and offering lesson platform of horrific means. And now if you are a 1st density being you would not know that this existence is painful and dreadful as that is all you know--there is a lack of a second point of reference. However, if you are NOT a 1 density being but from a higher level density being and you spend much time sinking in the 1 Dimension quicksand you will feel the pain. You will want to find solutions and salvation, and when you can't or refuse to, suffering will be...

Don't get me wrong, lesson platforms in 3 Dimensions are not necessarily less dramatic. It is that solutions are more readily available and resource alignments are more bountiful as your manifestation is much faster. An example would be that if you were to have a death trap set up for you in 1 Dimension, it won't happen to you if you are not in 1 Dimension.


Tags: ancestral genetic transmission, astrology, Atlantis, challenges, Christianity, dimensions and densities, earth, empowerment, frequency and vibration, knowledge, Lemurian, lesson platforms, life, psychic abilities, reality, reincarnation, religion, self, wisdom, free will