A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

What Actually Happens After The Death Of A Human Being?

This is where your exit frequency matters

After death, you are going to find yourself outside of your body. You will be in your astral form and you will eventually choose a 'look' that was the preferred version or likeness of your physical body, for example in your prime.

Depending on the type of death you have chosen, if you chose suicide, exit before your destined time, then your angels/guides/loved ones will not be at the death scene to escort you yet. This is when you will become a wanderer in lost realm soul; and either you will end up in frequency band 57 or there are other agencies that will intercept and pick you up; depending on if you made prior pack deals/trades and upon your death they will settle the exchange, they own you.

Also, on a side note, once you have chosen suicide as the exit modality, your prior spiritual contractual ties with romantic souls, soul mates, twin flames and other important souls would be permanently severed, even if prior spiritual contractual commitment were made, say for 7 life times... would all end, cease desist.

If the choice was to die with a large group through a violent trauma (earthquake / tsunami / airplane crash / whole planet blew up), then your astral body will be in shock and frozen in superglue fear with the rest of the astral bodies for a long while, until the Confederation or Council intervenes.

If you died suddenly from an accident, you would have been jolted out of your body just before the impact that caused you your life and you would not have felt the death blow and you will be out of sorts for a moment or awhile (the astral form has no sense of time as time/space no longer apply to 4th dimension); and most likely you will stay at the scene of the accident to figure things out and wish to find out what happen to whom as you will not know it was you who were the casualty.

If your choice was to die the disease route, you most likely have not come to terms with your death as you will belief that it was a premature death and you were not "ready", then you will hang around or find another body to attach to until one day humananity found a cure for your disease.

So if you were killed, a case of homicide; you felt cheated and betrayed, most likely you would stay around for revenge and vengeance. This may result in "Not Rest in Peace" and your astral body will roam around to find the perpetrator to revenge even though not in physical form, and you will haunt others.

Then there is the death of natural causes, old age, or the shutting down of your body systems, gradually, slowly; giving yourself ample time to come to terms with your death. Due to this process of dying, with the diminishing use of your physical or mental capacity, you get to be humbled and with sufficient time to reflect on life and your participation or lack of. Introspection and retrospection will have a chance to take place; then most likely you will continue onto your journey after death and you will see your Light/guides/angels here by your death to escort you.

The strangest thing to get used to, is the idea that your body is dead, yet you are still alive. For all the amazing technology we have built in our age this simple fact still eludes the majority of people on earth who suffer unnecessarily thinking that death equals annihilation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In the first few days, many of you will be drawn to your old body, and even though it is no longer serving the purpose of carrying you, most will feel a sense of melancholy towards it, simply pensive sadness.

There is also some opportunity to visit people or places as per your own desires, and you will be able to do this merely by the force of your own will. For example, if you want to sit by your daughter's bedside at night while she sleeps then you will be there. But you will not be able to stroke her tenderly and have her gently wake up and look into your eyes, as from her point of view you will be invisible. There are spiritual laws that govern the Yin (astral body) cannot interfere / cause fear / haunt the Yang (in body physical); although this law is violated much of the time.

Equally, if there are places that you always wanted to visit but never checked off on your list, then now you will be able to travel there instantly and see it. But you will not be able to smell the environment, feel the wind on your face or taste a delicacy from the markets.

Also, if there were activities that while you were alive you wanted so much to try but never had the chance, such as learning how to swim, write a book, climb mount Everest, you will be there "doing" it, however, you will not leave footprints in the snow.

Unfortunately, sometimes people will refuse to accept they are dead and cling to the now lifeless body trying to re-enter it. This conflict cannot go on for too long as it impedes on progress. Happily, there are a whole host of angelic helpers who are able to swing in and assist. Consoling of the newly passed individual who frequently is in greater need of counseling and guidance is more of a priority than any of their family members left behind on earth.

If you had a religion prior, then most likely you will exercise all that the particular religion has taught you about death and after and you will diligently expect or search for the promised heaven/hell, 44 virgins, eternal life/afterlife. And you may hang around places of worship for some time, especially to listen to prayers and sermons.

Most often the departed soul would immediately return to their loved one and let them know they are ok or try very hard to contact them and let them know the key to their Swiss account safety box, or the hidden vault in the wall with their life savings. No departed soul would share with the incarnated ones that they wish they can check Facebook one more time.

After a time has passed and the soul has had time to tie up its earthly business, you will meet with another highly evolved Angel or guide. This being will help you undertake a 'review' of your life, looking at the success, failures and lessons learned through a lens that values spiritual progress through service to others.

If there are certain experiences that you would like to 're-live' for personal growth then this is possible. The framework used for this is a psyche-based structure that allows you to experience everything again, but it does not allow you to reverse actual decisions that were made whilst you were alive. Only to experience other decisions and their associated consequences for learning purposes. Some may spend years in this stage 'trying to perfect' their previous life and really understand it as an item of intense study.

From this point on, the Soul must depart the earthly realm; this is when the soul splits with ether that held the soul (like gravity) on earth. This is the process where the ether is returned to earth and the soul is now spirit. This process is up to 49 earth days after death. The Angelic Guides will wrap around during this time and if you choose, they then will escort you to the next stage. However; if you decline then you become earth bound for some time.

Next, you will be gently escorted to your next process, the process of cleansing and purification, letting go of heavy toxic matter so that your healing may begin; this is where you cross the river of "Forgetful" and summit the mountain of "Forgiveness".

Eventually you are going to be returned to your soul group who are a bunch of like-minded souls who are all at a similar stage of development. This can be a very emotional time as you are reunited with these significant friends and family. Even though it has been referred to as the "soul group", you are in spirit form.

After some more time has passed you can elect to take a rest, recoup and recover in an emotionally safe environment with a number of soul groups to heal, particularly if their immediate past life on earth was a traumatic one.

Following the rest period and if you haven't completed all your life lessons of that Life Stage (Column), then you will return to earth again and go through another life to spiritually 'tick the boxes', before you can progress further. To this end, you will be approached to by the Angels/Guides/Planners of your soul group to plan the next period of activity.

Prior to re-entry, there will be much planning in terms of the time, place, family, gender and race that you will choose; and most importantly resource alignment. Sometimes a number of members of a soul group will plan to re-enter earth lives at a similar time so that they can continue to develop their soul connections or be the descendant of the same family linage.

On the other hand, if the personality has completed their earth-bound life lessons of that particular Column, they graduate to the next column; then other opportunities become available for them in the service of others.

Ultimately, the personality recycle/reincarnate in order to graduate Earth Life Lessons for Soul Evolution purposes.

Tags: death, afterlife, reincarnation, soul, spirit, frequency and vibration, angels, spiritual growth