What have you added to your bubble of Life?
Suppose you came as a bubble of energy... on birth you took a breath... inhalation... then exhalation... and with every inhalation you live on... and with every exhalation part of you dies... until the very last exhalation... you died and physically ceased to be...
What then have you added to your bubble of energy?
Not how much wealth you have accumulated... not how much materialistic items you have owned... not the badges of personal achievement... not how many arguments you won... not your certificate from Hall of Fame... not how well you are known... not how many applauded for you... not how many even knows of you... not how big a crowd you have drawn... not how many feared you... not how many desired you... not how many been impressed by you... not how many been fooled by you... not how many are devoted to you... not how many been mesmerized by you... not how many will miss you... not how huge a legacy you will leave behind... not how many... and many... and more many... AND MUCH MORE
It is not how long a life you lived but how wide a life you lived. The width and breath of your tapestry of life calibrates your success. Spiritual success is not quantifiable but qualifiable... the quality of spiritual success is only attained through living... living a life full of experiences... good or bad and everything in between... how many "uh-huh" moments... how many nuh-huh don't think so moments....
Through the full myriad of experiences... we feel... we collect data... and with each experience we learn... we become aware... we expand... with positive feelings we expand... and with negative feelings we contract... if we choose to feel positive even in a situation of adversity... simply by seeking the silver lining... we can and will turn a negative situation into a positive experience and thus benefit from the expanded awareness.
The source of the experience is only within you and no one else; what you choose to take away from the experience is all within your control. Your experiences of life should only happen your way and not someone else's way... therefore only you are responsible for your experiences... others are only props. If your compulsive reaction dictates unpleasant experience, then choose to change to a diligent pleasant response to any and all situations.
Suppose we truly dislike someone or something, we do our best to avoid encountering this someone or this something. This is avoidance of work, the work is to work out and accept our differences... by understanding the cause and effect of the entanglement. When you are afraid of a repeat of a mishap, betrayal, negative outcome, nasty encountering or any bad dealing with this someone; know for sure you will call this experience to you again and again... the prop may change but the same theme or lesson shall prevail... until your psyche is satisfied with the outcome... a different outcome... a different outcome may very well full circle all sides of this lessons... so stop the avoidance... rather... engage in the awkwardness and plow through it... aiming for a different outcome... learn to respond and not react... this is the fundamental of what needs to be different... That is CHANGE... changes create growth... growth increases karma quotient... positive karma quotient permits abundance of options in living life and life in between life and life afterlife.
Karma: Sanskrit, "Cause and Effect"
A system in which beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a soul's reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth.
It is energy accumulated through action, deed and Work. Quantified and measured in the X-axis / Y-axis and Z-axis directions.
Work = Energy in Motion = E-Motion
In order to have emotion you must be willing to FEEL
Tags: meaning of life