A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

What is the Source?

What is the Source? Who created it? When do we merge with the Source?

The Source is the Higher Intelligence that created this Universe, and all the souls in it. Souls leave the Source at the beginning of their journeys, carrying a part of Source-energy and consciousness, and travel for billions of years in the Cosmos, as spirits, or in semi-physical bodies and inhabiting physical bodies, gaining experiences. Any soul is always connected with the Source, and the higher it is in dimensions the closer it is to the Source. But, in low densities, like living on Earth, it can lose touch with it. Some people strive to connect with the Source (Can call it God Self, God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Atman, Buddha-mind, Yahwah and whatnot) and dedicate their lives to prayer, meditation, and different spiritual practices and manage to connect with the Source while still living in a physical body. But this is not very typical as Earth is pretty low in vibration and most people are just trying to survive and feed their families. After we die, if and when we end up in 5th dimension, the Afterlife realm, which is much lighter energy and no need to survive as Lightbodies do not need food or shelter, and spirits start feeling the presence of the Source. Most of them reincarnate back to earth, but some souls go higher in dimensions and can eventually merge with the Source, losing all individuality and much identity.

The Source of this Universe was created by the Source of the Multiverse--and they can go like that forever--each Source being a portal to the much larger reality, but the conscious energy flows through all of them... I have referred to it as your Bundle and Source is where ALL is created through manifestation from no form to taking form.

Tags: reincarnation, source, soul, afterlife