A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Where do Souls go in between lives?

It depends on where this soul came from into human life. Extraterrestrial beings incarnated in human bodies go to their own worlds, planets or spaceships, they often still have a living body in suspended animation in special pods on their home planet or ship, they just take over it and resume their activities. Or, if they died on their world before choosing to come to Earth, they would have to incarnate in a body again, whether it is sexual procreation, in vitro creation of bodies, or bio-robots. If their planet was destroyed they will go into "human afterlife" and usually reincarnate on Earth or any other similar planet.

When the body physical dies, the soul departs and before soul splits with ether, the soul still will have free will and can choose; most will choose to hang out on the flipside with like-minded ones (which is like energy frequencies); such as doctors will hang out with doctors to discuss patient cases and scientists will hang out with scientists, politicians will lobby with other politicians. So when one dies of extreme negativity, desperate to revenge, so too shall hang out with the avenging group to plot whom to possess and whom to take out and when one fears of Hell... hell shall happen.

A soul who is reincarnating on Earth and is enrolled in the Earth School returns to the 5th-dimensional Earth Spiritual Realm. In the beginning, this world will highly resemble the life they just finished, similar architecture, nature, pastimes, schools, etc, but as the soul progresses higher through densities, physical shapes and forms start disappearing and the soul loses the body-image, turning into a ball of light. The soul has a choice, it can ascend all the way to the Source and let go of all individuality, become "everything", or it can stay in 5D human Afterlife as a Guide or Healer or Keeper of the Records or in any other soul-occupation. It can also choose to go back to 3D Earth (reincarnate). Or it can choose to go to another planet or world, especially if it already finished all the human lessons, or just for a vacation or research.

There are also some rare souls who came from "energy worlds" - in past life regression they go straight into the dancing colors and light and worlds of energy, sacred geometry, music, mathematics, and they start channelling higher dimensional beings, or a collective consciousness in much higher densities than 5D. In this life, they are healers, artists, and psychics, very powerful people with a lot of unusual abilities, and they will return into their energy worlds after death or rejoin the collectives. This is often their first-ever incarnation in a physical body, but some had many trips into physicality, they are not students on Earth, they all are Volunteers and spiritual teachers.

Some souls never cross over into 5D and get stuck close to 3D as ghosts or attachments. They become earthbound for many reasons, such as holding tightly to the material world, can't seem to let go of their worldly possessions, the stove is not turned off yet, wants to see Billy graduate, didn't know they died, revenge and greed and still continue with the day to day regime as if they are still alive. Being stuck as a 3D ghost can and do take a long earth time, 300-500 years is common, which the soul will diminish it's essence and be reduced to 2D and 1D realm. Most of them are eventually rescued by their Guides, or often working with a medium or a shaman who can communicate with these beings.

Tags: death, afterlife, reincarnation, between life, free will