Who chooses for a newly departed soul where the go next?
Souls only remain on Earth if they did not cross over into Spiritual Reality--that's why ghosts are called "Earthbound spirits".
5D can be a holographic replica of nice things on Earth on its initial layers, but this is not physical Earth. And the higher in densities the soul ascends after it exits the 3D body, the further away it moves from the physical planet. When it gets closer to the Source, it is far away from the physical Universe, in the pure spiritual realm. From there it can descend into any physical galaxy, constellation or planet. So, souls can reincarnate anywhere they want, but less experienced souls who only reincarnated on Earth and did not make it far up from 5D, where most souls stay after death, would have no knowledge of other planets and ET civilizations, and have no interest in reincarnating anywhere else. They only had physical experience of life on Earth and their "Paradise" was also very Earth-like (but nicer and more magical), so why would they want to go anywhere else?
Souls of Starseeds who came to Earth from other planets, or very advanced Earthling souls - who raise to Mental or Spiritual Planes in the Afterlife - would have expansive knowledge of the Multiverse and all kinds of environments and civilizations, so they can choose if they want to stay on Earth or go anywhere else. Plus, many advanced souls are involved in governing of the Multiverse, creating new worlds, balancing the energies on all densities etc. so they can stay in higher realms for a long time, or incarnate where they are needed according to the bigger picture or directives of the Higher Councils.
Tags: soul, source, spirit, afterlife, reincarnation