A collection of information about life, death, and what happens after

Why is Death a Good Thing

  • Death may be the END, but life would be miserable without it.
  • Need to make space for others to have a turn.
  • I don't feel the way I did 20 years ago. My body is getting old and brittle.
  • Humans are pre-programmed to die.
  • If people don't die there won't be enough resources for the coming generations.
  • Nature's balance must be maintained
  • Genetic evolution depends on your death
  • Genes must change with the changing conditions, or mankind will become extinct.
  • The mind can only expand to a certain extent.
  • Survival depends on our strength and agility, but it diminishes as we age.
  • It's tough to survive on my own now. I'm just a burden on these youngsters. Time changes...
  • Most people you know you are already dead; sole survivor sucks!
  • Death adds value to life... Hurry up and learn it already
  • Death is true liberation
  • Human life isn't meant to be IMMORTAL. Its charm and importance lie in its mortality.

So the next time, you hear about DEATH, don't cringe or sneer. It's an inevitable truth that must be faced with great strength and little fear.

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